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HentaiDevil 11-10-2005 03:12 PM

Looking for some opinions - Who is hottest? (Pics)
We are in the process of selecting a main model for a new site design. We've run into an interesting problem though. We can't decide which of the girls below would be the best option.


Please tell me who you think is the hottest, and who you think would be the best choice.

As a thank-you to everyone that responds, a 50% discount on any image sets or movies that are available here - http://asianxxxcontent.com/catalog/ will be made available.


Funbrunette 11-10-2005 03:25 PM

I would have to say #2! :cool:

HentaiDevil 11-10-2005 04:02 PM

Thanks Fun! She's a looker alright =_)

axedbydax 11-10-2005 04:21 PM

I would say either 2 or 4

HentaiDevil 11-10-2005 05:07 PM

Thanks everyone! Here are a couple more pics to help you choose


Any change now? :D

FeTiShLaDy 11-10-2005 06:21 PM

my choice would be #4

jbrasco951 11-10-2005 10:42 PM

2 or 4 they look really natural and they're easy to bone off to, that's right i said it

Panky 11-10-2005 10:51 PM

2 is really good if she doesn't smile. Number 2 is the one that caught my eye first. 4 looks better in the second pic than the first.

war_ner 11-11-2005 03:48 AM

I will take that girl on the second pic. :D

lazzlo 11-11-2005 06:18 AM


Livecampromo 11-11-2005 07:45 AM

I vote for #4 girl. Nice tits!

Stephane76 11-11-2005 09:04 AM

Number 4 fo' sure !

Funbrunette 11-11-2005 12:42 PM

After seeing the second pics I go with #4 :p

Evil Chris 11-11-2005 12:53 PM

Number 4 :)

TheLegacy 11-11-2005 01:54 PM

4 is for me as well and that cute guy in Evil Chris's avatar

Don Soporno 11-11-2005 03:49 PM

with the first set I pick #2 then #4 but in the second set of pics #4 is smokin ass hot so I pick her. Funny how we all really really like the chick in her cloths...LOLOL

Vid Vicious 11-11-2005 04:38 PM

id like to see 1 an thru 4 in my bed

skpeng 11-12-2005 11:25 PM

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spideriux 11-13-2005 05:13 PM

2nd is hottest for me...

Adriches Rep 11-13-2005 08:34 PM

I'll take the 4th chic please.

Turf 11-14-2005 05:41 AM

I would go with the second pic. :)

CPS Rep 11-14-2005 07:48 PM

I love the curves of the 4th hottie.

HentaiDevil 11-14-2005 08:21 PM

Thanks everyone!

gabrio 11-15-2005 03:48 AM

4 looks good, she has something different, cant tell what exactly hehe

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