X Nations

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-   -   Are You looking to buy text/hardlink spots on a 200k+ PR4 MGP, Check This Out (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=13240)

Best-In-BC 11-10-2005 06:10 PM

Are You looking to buy text/hardlink spots on a 200k+ PR4 MGP, Check This Out
Yes, im back again and with even more traffic this time, ive set up a bunch of spots for you guys this time and very fairly priced. Check it out http://www.jerkoffhere.com . Where you see Your Site Here is where your site could be . Its first come first server on these links so I suspect they'll go even faster than last time due to there great positions.

Rules are...
THe link may not have no consols of any kind, no CP, no I-Frames, No warez or anything illegal. No Pop-ups of any kind, this will resault in deletion of link and the lost of your money. Please people no pop-ups.

First 4 at top are $150 per month
Second four are $85 per month
Thrid spot with 16 Spots avaiable are Only $60 a peace

Payments can be paid with e-passporte/paypal, contac ton icq at 204829316


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