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StaceyJo 11-14-2005 04:55 AM

14-year-old missing after parents found dead; warrant out for boyfriend
Girl reportedly kidnapped at gunpoint

LITITZ, Pa. - A 14-year-old girl was missing after her parents were shot to death in their home Sunday morning, and authorities issued an arrest warrant for an 18-year-old believed to be her boyfriend.

Michael and Cathryn Borden, both 50, were killed shortly after 8 a.m. in their home in Warwick Township, about 60 miles west of Philadelphia.

The couple’s 9-year-old son, David, the youngest of five children, had fled to the home of neighbors, who called 911, said Lititz Police Chief William Seace. An older daughter still living at home and two adult sons were also safe, he said, but Kara Beth Borden, 14, was gone.



Turf 11-14-2005 05:35 AM

Double murder, kidnapping, illegal position of firearms; I hope the police will get him as soon as possible.

Rochard 11-14-2005 11:50 AM

I read about this. Very sad.

From what I've read the girl was dating the 18 year old guy and the parents didn't approve for obvious reasons. The daughter went out with this guy, parents put their food down, guy comes over and goes on a shooting spree.

Yeah, they'll find this guy, lock him up, and throw away the key.

When you reach the point that your able to kill someone over nothing something is seriously wrong.

Stephane76 11-14-2005 03:23 PM

and this His is Space if i am not mistaken :(

Funbrunette 11-14-2005 03:25 PM

That's awful! :(

Panky 11-14-2005 07:01 PM

I know the Ludwig family. They were patients of mine. It's sad. :(

CPS Rep 11-14-2005 07:37 PM

the girl has some resemblance to Katie Holmes-Dawson's Creek days.

Turf 11-15-2005 07:18 AM

Yes, she looks like Katie Holmes. Unfortunately, she badly needs guidance and counselling right now.

war_ner 11-17-2005 10:52 PM

I just heard that the girl is already pregnant. :(

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