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-   -   How much shit do you take? (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=13263)

Funbrunette 11-14-2005 01:51 PM

How much shit do you take?
Ok, so I've been helping this Webmaster who's been nothing but rude and crude to me! I was the big person and always stayed calm and kept answering his ridiculous questions! But today I've just about had it after he called me an idiot because he wasn't making any money! I know my job is to help out Webmaters to make money with our program, but at what point do you just say ENOUGH!!!!! :mad:

To give you an example to dude didn't know what a niche was...lol

Stephane76 11-14-2005 03:08 PM

Give him bunch of links to tutorials to learn some... then quizz him ;)

monaro 11-14-2005 04:05 PM

Just like the very old saying "You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink"

It is unhealthy to get upset Funbrunette. HUGS!

Questions that were asked, were they on topic or destructive to the program inwhich you support?

monaro 11-14-2005 04:16 PM

"How much shit do you take?"

Every day in the electric motor industry I am challenged with certain customers that give a feeling of negativity and seem to always go out of their way to dog the product, level of service and almost always swear about late deliveries that are outside my control.

I take it all in, never dish it back out and sell them the motor they rang up for in the first place.

"kill them with kindness"

axedbydax 11-14-2005 04:17 PM

thats was so rude....he doesnt have the right to do that to our FB....fu**'n idiot.....grrr.........

WEGRuth 11-14-2005 04:36 PM

Yeah, like Stephane said - if we have newbie webmasters here at WEG with a bunch of questions then we'll often send them over to Cozy Campus or Ynot for some tips and pointers to get started.

As Affiliate Support the role is to help webmasters make the most of your program and make the best sales they can from their traffic. If the webmaster him/herself doesn't know how to do that it's not our job to teach them how, only to support them in finding the answers themselves and making suggestions for improving conversions with their traffic.

From the sounds of it you gave this webmaster a ton of help and he was a rude asshole. Just cos you're affiliate support doesn't mean you have to take that kind of crap from people!

If it were me in your place I'd explain to the webmaster that I'm more than happy to help, but to do so on an ongoing basis I need to receive a certain level of respect or I just won't be able to help them anymore.

We aren't doormats and we're not here to do the webmasters job for them! We shouldn't be treated this way at all.

Jimmidean 11-14-2005 05:46 PM

Fine Im sorry already ! LOL

I deal with people all day long who have problems, I treat them the same way they treat me.
If they resort to name calling I simply inform them I can no longer help them with there issue and move on.
Or you could give him a cyber kick in the nuts whatever works for you

Visualad 11-14-2005 06:14 PM

do you have squirting sites?

lazzlo 11-14-2005 06:18 PM

how can someone be mean to you? the nerve!

Panky 11-14-2005 07:32 PM

Some people, you just need to tell them straight out that they are being rude and obnoxious and that I'm here to help you, but if this type of behaviour continues, then I can no longer help you.

Don't drop to their level and start calling them names, even though you are thinking it, just remain in control and simply lay it out for them.

Once you dump it back in their face, politely, that they are acting inappropriately, they tend to get the hint and calm down a bit.

Some people are just difficult by nature, other people are just so frustrated and overwhelmed that they tend to take it out on you simply because you are their contact. It's not personal. Yeah, it sucks when the name calling begins, but they aren't upset with you. They are frustrated with themselves because they didn't realise how much of a learning curve there really is and how much work it actually takes. It's no excuse for their behavior, but frustration is usually the root of it.

Just reassure them, give them links to tutorials and such. Tell them they need to read them and then you'll talk again in a day or so. Let them know that you will be there, but at this point in time, it's better if we both take a breather, and then come back to it later after the moment has passed.

Some people are just difficult. If this type of behavior continues with every interaction you have with this person, just simply tell them that you are here to help them, you have helped them, but they need to treat you with common courtesy. If they don't, then just simply tell them that you can't help them until their attitude changes. You treat them with common courtesy, you expect the same in return.

You can only help someone so far too. There is a point in time when they need to try to help themselves. If they don't, then they are wasting their time and yours. Just let them know you are there, but they need to branch out a little bit and try things on their own. You'd be surprised how many people will try to do something for themselves when they know you aren't abandoning them. Especially when you give them a good place to start and just explain that this is one day at a time and not something that happens overnight.

Just tell them todays session has ended, here is your homework, and we'll talk again tomorrow. ;)

Then call me. We'll go for a few drinks and tomorrow will be a new day. :D


CPS Rep 11-14-2005 07:35 PM

I couldn't agree more with you, Panky. no matter how good you want to be, some people are just assholes.

Turf 11-15-2005 07:20 AM

If you think you' ve done your best, then the poblem I think is on him. It's just so rude for him to say that to you.

Funbrunette 11-15-2005 08:56 AM


Originally posted by Visualad
do you have squirting sites?
Hahahahaha! Funny guy Peter! ;)

Evil Chris 11-15-2005 11:55 AM

I swear... some webmasters are more clueless than surfers. LOL

Visualad 11-15-2005 01:21 PM

Re: How much shit do you take?

Originally posted by Funbrunette
Ok, so I've been helping this Webmaster who's been nothing but rude and crude to me! I was the big person and always stayed calm and kept answering his ridiculous questions! But today I've just about had it after he called me an idiot because he wasn't making any money! I know my job is to help out Webmaters to make money with our program, but at what point do you just say ENOUGH!!!!! :mad:

To give you an example to dude didn't know what a niche was...lol

99.9% of the time, no one needs to be rude. If anyone calls you an idiot when you are trying to help them, just either try and correct whatever went wrong (i.e in a friendly manner trying to help him), or simply politely say good bye.

When it comes to him not knowing what "niche" is, or having "ridiculuos" questions.. I do not think or expect that Everyone in this business should know all the terms and know the lingo...

Just take 30 secs and enlighten him on the meaning of the wonderful word NICHE...

And maybe most important.. Remain PRO, and keep your head up high. That way, at the end of the day, you know that you have done your best, in the best way possible. You go Girl!

Funbrunette 11-15-2005 01:23 PM

Re: Re: How much shit do you take?

Originally posted by Visualad
99.9% of the time, no one needs to be rude. If anyone calls you an idiot when you are trying to help them, just either try and correct whatever went wrong (i.e in a friendly manner trying to help him), or simply politely say good bye.

When it comes to him not knowing what "niche" is, or having "ridiculuos" questions.. I do not think or expect that Everyone in this business should know all the terms and know the lingo...

Just take 30 secs and enlighten him on the meaning of the wonderful word NICHE...

And maybe most important.. Remain PRO, and keep your head up high. That way, at the end of the day, you know that you have done your best, in the best way possible. You go Girl!

You're absolutely right about not expecting everyone in this business to know all the terms but this guy was saying he had more experience than me and he could do my job with his eyes closed! :p Need I say more?

Panky 11-15-2005 07:20 PM

Re: Re: Re: How much shit do you take?

Originally posted by Funbrunette
You're absolutely right about not expecting everyone in this business to know all the terms but this guy was saying he had more experience than me and he could do my job with his eyes closed! :p Need I say more?
LOL! Yeah... Those people are always fun.

bird 11-15-2005 09:29 PM

Oh man you don't know I how I get.

So much birdshit.

StaceyJo 11-17-2005 04:08 AM

He doesnt really know what the real adult industry is...

just leave him alone FB... hehe

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