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ARiA 09-09-2002 11:04 AM

what's REALLY going on??
something for everyone to see.....


Evil Chris 09-09-2002 11:59 AM

damn... interesting video clip Aria...
I'd bet that it's 100% true too...

ARiA 09-09-2002 02:19 PM

call me a conspiracy theory finatic but these scandals DO happen, and there are alot more things going on than we realize-
the aniversary of the september eleventh tradgedy is around the corner and my heart bleeds for those people who lost their lives and to the families who will forever suffer their loss.
even more tragic than the event itself, is the possibility that it could have been prevented.. but wasn't.
I am in the works of composing a list of reports and here say of some very interesting "things" I have been hearing/seeing.. I dont know enough right now to INTELLIGENTLY post- but I hope to soon-

I would like to hear what other people know/think...

guerrillanews.com is a good place to read..

ARiA 09-10-2002 12:25 PM

read this
here is an article I found..


ps- thoses new smileys are great!!! :badcomp: <---- this is me

Tobbe 09-19-2002 02:56 PM

is it true ?... :o

Evil Chris 09-19-2002 10:49 PM

I would not be surprised! ::-|

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