axedbydax |
11-18-2005 06:09 PM |
The WOrd S-h-i-t!
S-H-I-T may just be the most powerful word in the English language......CONSIDER THIS:----You can be $hit faced, be $hit out of luck, or have $hit for brains. You can smoke $hit, buy $hit, sell $hit, lose $hit, find $hit, forget $hit, and tell others to eat $hit and die. You can $hit or go blind, have a $hit fit or just $hit your life away. People can be $hit headed, $hit brained, $hit blinded, and $hit over. Some people know their $hit while others can't tell the difference between $hit and holy $hit. There are lucky $hits, dumb $hits, crazy $hits, and sweet $hits. There is bull$hit, horse$hit and chicken $hit. You can throw $hit, sling $hit, catch $hit, or duck when the $hit hits the fan. You can take a $hit, give a $hit, or you can find yourself in deep $hit. Some days are colder than $hit, some days are hotter than $hit, and some days are just plain $hitty. Some music sounds like $hit, things can look like $hit, and there are times when you feel like $hit. You can have too much $hit, not enough $hit, the right $hit, the wrong $hit or a lot of weird $hit. Sometimes you really need this $hit and sometimes you don't want any $hit at all.......$hit! When you stop to consider all the facts, it's the basic building block of creation. And remember, once you know your $hit, you don't need to know anything else.
::-| ::-| :bonk: