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MediaGuy 11-23-2005 10:42 PM

Our LA Pics
Hey everybody - had a burning good time at Webmaster Access West in LA but dang our pics don't show it!

We were so bizzy doing the schmooze thing and just ... being there, that pics were of a secondary consideration... there's a couple more links at the end though for those interested.


(did anybody catch the interview with me on YnotRadio on Friday afternoon?)

war_ner 11-24-2005 05:08 AM

...and you really took much time taking pics on all those stuff. Great! :)

monaro 11-24-2005 05:17 AM

I listen to Ynotradio nearly every day, some shows I miss cause of my time zone difference, I was not present in the chat channel.

I once made promise to myself to listen in on The hump day show for YNOTBob and LAJ, Im also very eager to listen in on Twinkley's Pillow Talk on my Saturday morning as the end of the week im feeling my lowest and hearing her voice and listening to her rants always if not everytime makes me smile and I need that.

Strange yes, but I need that, something I refer to as my safe zone....

As for your interview, my connection was buffing through most of the show last weekend.

That's why I wish that there are archives to catch up on.

Jimmidean 11-24-2005 09:57 AM

Looked like fun .
Sorry I missed that one.

wildgirl 11-27-2005 05:17 AM

looks it's a blast, thanks for sharing those pics :)

spideriux 11-28-2005 04:48 PM

wow nice pics, thank you

MediaGuy 11-28-2005 04:56 PM


Originally posted by monaro
I listen to Ynotradio nearly every day, some shows I miss cause of my time zone difference, I was not present in the chat channel.

I once made promise to myself to listen in on The hump day show for YNOTBob and LAJ, Im also very eager to listen in on Twinkley's Pillow Talk on my Saturday morning as the end of the week im feeling my lowest and hearing her voice and listening to her rants always if not everytime makes me smile and I need that.

Strange yes, but I need that, something I refer to as my safe zone....

As for your interview, my connection was buffing through most of the show last weekend.

That's why I wish that there are archives to catch up on.

Yeah I don't know where there aren't archives... they replay the shows again (again, streaming) Mondays at 4PM EST, though - that's how I caught it...

StaceyJo 11-29-2005 03:43 AM

nice pics... sounds like fun... too bad I missed your interview, I was locked up of works...

war_ner 11-29-2005 09:19 PM

Nice shots there Mediaguy. :)

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