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Funbrunette 11-28-2005 10:47 AM

So I finally watches the Devil's rejects last night...
DAMN! that was some heavy shit! Unthinkable horror is the first words that come to mind! I don't know much about Rob Zombie, but he's got to be one twisted MOFO to come up with shit like that!


MindyBlingBucks 11-28-2005 11:28 AM

I dunno. I saw it when it came out in the theater, and about 3/4 of the way through, I was just waiting for the end. I saw House of 1000 corpses though, so maybe I just wasn't impressed with more of the same. .

gunner 11-28-2005 12:08 PM

I watched "Last House on the Left" a few weeks ago, the original Wes Craven version. It was interesting to see what "disturbed" America in terms of movies in the late 60s early 70s, compared to what it takes today.

Funbrunette 11-28-2005 12:14 PM


Originally posted by gunner
I watched "Last House on the Left" a few weeks ago, the original Wes Craven version. It was interesting to see what "disturbed" America in terms of movies in the late 60s early 70s, compared to what it takes today.
I tried to watch that a few years ago but I couldn't... Still haunts me...Can't watch rape scenes. I rented "I spit on your grave" and got sick to my stomach! ::-|

Evil Chris 11-28-2005 12:18 PM

Wasn't the movie "Straw Dogs" actually banned in the USA due to the rape scenes?

axedbydax 11-28-2005 02:47 PM

hmmm....sounds interesting...lol.......havent tried watching rape movies....

spideriux 11-28-2005 04:50 PM

nice mask ;)

war_ner 11-29-2005 09:21 PM

Not the best butn good enough I guess. :)

Funbrunette 11-29-2005 09:58 PM


Originally posted by axedbydax
hmmm....sounds interesting...lol.......havent tried watching rape movies....
It's not a rape movie...Although there is a rape scene.

MindyBlingBucks 11-30-2005 12:11 PM


Originally posted by gunner
I watched "Last House on the Left" a few weeks ago, the original Wes Craven version. It was interesting to see what "disturbed" America in terms of movies in the late 60s early 70s, compared to what it takes today.
I watched that movie in college, cause I went to college in the town he used to teach in: Potsdam, NY!!
Even though the movie was pretty dated, it still disturbed me a bit.

jade12 11-30-2005 03:16 PM

I haven't seen that one yet girl ;o)) But you're right Rob Zombie has a VERY warped mind ....... he is also a damn good artist as well ....... has done a lot of cd cover art, magazine art, did a short clip in the Beavis and Butthead movie, as well as other numerous projects ;o)) Not too mention he's a giant i the height dept, so looks rather intimidating!

And those are dome nice legs you got going on in that avatar lol ;o))

Funbrunette 11-30-2005 05:32 PM


Originally posted by jade12
I haven't seen that one yet girl ;o)) But you're right Rob Zombie has a VERY warped mind ....... he is also a damn good artist as well ....... has done a lot of cd cover art, magazine art, did a short clip in the Beavis and Butthead movie, as well as other numerous projects ;o)) Not too mention he's a giant i the height dept, so looks rather intimidating!

And those are dome nice legs you got going on in that avatar lol ;o))

Thanks babe! Happy to see you here at Xnations! Let me know if you need anything! ;)

jade12 11-30-2005 06:00 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
Thanks babe! Happy to see you here at Xnations! Let me know if you need anything! ;)
oh you can count on it lol Are you sure these folks can handle all the Jade action? lmao

Funbrunette 11-30-2005 06:15 PM


Originally posted by jade12
oh you can count on it lol Are you sure these folks can handle all the Jade action? lmao
I think we can handle it...lol Seriously your posts are like a breath of fresh air! I like you warped sense of humour, I'm sure people will get to know you quickly and know not to mess with you.....lol Or else... :jade:

jade12 11-30-2005 06:23 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
I think we can handle it...lol Seriously your posts are like a breath of fresh air! I like you warped sense of humour, I'm sure people will get to know you quickly and know not to mess with you.....lol Or else... :jade:
well I guess it's time to test the waters then, isn't it? lol

hmmm .... smell jade trouble coming on lol


Turf 12-01-2005 07:00 AM

I'll try to get a copy of that. :)

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