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axedbydax 11-30-2005 04:11 PM

I'll have a quickie!
Bill Clinton and Al Gore go into a local diner for lunch. As they read the menu the waitress comes over and asks Clinton, "You ready to order?"

Clinton replies, "Yes, I'd like a quickie." "A quickie?!" the waitress replies.

"Sir, given the current situation of your personal life, I don't think that's a good idea. I'll come back when you're ready to order from the menu."

She walks away. Gore leans over to Clinton and says, "It's pronounced 'Quiche.'"

::-| :bonk:

FeTiShLaDy 11-30-2005 05:01 PM

hahaha...good one!

jade12 11-30-2005 06:24 PM

lol that's an oldie but good one ;o))


TheLegacy 12-01-2005 12:04 PM

sweet. love that one

HotMovies_Jason 12-01-2005 01:27 PM

I just read the same joke somewhere else with a slight variation - instead of clinton/gore it was bush/cheyney

the sad thing is it works well in either case since clinton was such a womanizer and dubya is such a dolt...

Funbrunette 12-01-2005 02:56 PM

ROFL!!!!!! :D

Turf 12-02-2005 12:54 AM

He surely needs that Quickie.. :D

Clinton jokes rocksss!

war_ner 12-02-2005 04:05 AM

What a fucking Perv!! :)

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