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Funbrunette 11-30-2005 10:08 PM

Where The Hell Is Everyone???
You all be better having tantric sex, cuz it's quiet as hell in here! :D

I want some pictures! :bum:

jade12 12-01-2005 03:30 AM

Re: Where The Hell Is Everyone???

Originally posted by Funbrunette
You all be better having tantric sex, cuz it's quiet as hell in here! :D

I want some pictures! :bum:

well i came in did a bit of whorring and well left cuz it was too quiet, damn looks like I'm gonna have to stir up some shit then lmao ;o))


TheLegacy 12-01-2005 12:02 PM

damn. you just posting in the middle of my tantric sex, now I have to start all over again - and I only have so much soft cheese left

Funbrunette 12-01-2005 02:51 PM


Originally posted by TheLegacy
damn. you just posting in the middle of my tantric sex, now I have to start all over again - and I only have so much soft cheese left
SOFT cheese....Eeeeeewwwwwww! ::-| lol

FeTiShLaDy 12-01-2005 04:24 PM

i'm here but quite late for me to visit the board...been very busy.

Panky 12-01-2005 04:49 PM

I'm just getting back into the swing of things from my mini vacation.

Rochard 12-01-2005 06:40 PM

Shhhh. I'm busy. With my friend here.


dready 12-02-2005 12:17 AM


Originally posted by Panky
I'm just getting back into the swing of things from my mini vacation.

I'm here, hit me up please.

Turf 12-02-2005 12:43 AM

Elo there guys! Here I am!! :)

StaceyJo 12-02-2005 02:52 AM

Im here gurl... I love that cuttie pie Rochard!!!

war_ner 12-02-2005 04:02 AM

Alive and kicking you fucking post whores!!!

StaceyJo 12-02-2005 04:32 AM

I guess were the only two here war_ner... hehehe

Don Soporno 12-03-2005 02:17 PM

I had to go to the hospital and have been fucked up on pain killers for a few days

monaro 12-03-2005 05:14 PM


Originally posted by Rochard
Shhhh. I'm busy. With my friend here.


I came this close <-> to using that picture in my Christmas Avatar :D

Funbrunette 12-03-2005 06:18 PM


Originally posted by Don Soporno
I had to go to the hospital and have been fucked up on pain killers for a few days
Dude what happened???? :confused:

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