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SWorldMegan 12-05-2005 05:30 PM

Shane's World Job Opening
We need BASIC photoshop and html help for an established adult production company. Duties include picking photos, scanning photos and adjusting them in photoshop. Other duties include capturing and compressing Internet clips. For this we prefer knowledge of Final Cut and Media Cleaner or similar. Also need ability to work with html in an editor such as Dreamweaver.

Preferred Skills/Knowledge:

1 year experience in Photoshop
1 year experience in Dreamweaver
Knowledge of Finale Cut
Photo Correction
Marketing and Adult Industry knowledge a Plus!
* Excellent written and verbal communication skills
* Must be able to handle multiple assignments simultaneously.
* Must have a strong attention to detail and be able to work independently.

We are open to teaching the right person some of the skills listed.

This is an IN-HOUSE JOB! We are located in Chatsworth in the San Fernando Valley.

Pay is based on experience.

Please email your resume to webmaster at shanesworld.com and we will call and setup an appointment time if we are interested.


war_ner 12-06-2005 05:56 AM

Here's a bump..

Vid Vicious 12-06-2005 09:34 AM

Bummer .. I;ve got mad Photoshop skills, I'm a wiz at Final Cut Pro HD, Been Using media Cleaner since the ealy version 3, Dreamweaver is a breeze... Add my Broadcast background and you got a killer Editor/shooter/webmaster

Tooo Bad I'm Canadian Eh

TheLegacy 12-08-2005 12:03 PM

damn.. I know alot of designers who would fit that bill, but in-house.. man.. thats going to be a hard find

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