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Sarah_MaxCash 12-05-2005 07:04 PM

Banner Specials + NEW Reality Site Packages from Webinc
Webinc has just made our fantastic 100 banner design special even better!

For this week only we are offering 100 banners for $599 as usual but we are also including 5 free button designs!

Our new pricing plan means that both static and animated banners are always the same price. So, these 100 banners can be made of both static and animated, can be a mixture of shapes and sizes and can be for multiple sites.

Check out our massive banner portfolio to see just what a good deal this is for any webmaster.

Don't forget as well that our new paysite portfolio has also created two new reality site design packages.

The new reality site design packages are:

Reality Paysite Package #1

1 header ( incl. logo )
1 reality episode box template
1 footer
10 banners ( any sizes )

For only $899.00.

Reality Paysite Package #2

1 header ( incl. logo )
1 footer
8 reality episode boxes ( incl. images)
1 join page
20 banners ( any sizes )

For only $1,499.00.

As always, Webinc knows that all of our clients are important and so even with just great prices we still offer everyone the same top quality level of design and customer service.

If you need any help, would like to place an order or have any questions feel free to contact me at sarah@webinc.com or on icq at 232834291.

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