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-   -   Cartoon, hentai, comics content christmas sale! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=13532)

Mosquito 12-08-2005 02:06 PM

Cartoon, hentai, comics content christmas sale!

Christmas Sale till 31.12.2005!
Mosquito Artists wishes you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Make a $100 order and get a 5% discount
Make a $250 order and get a 10% discount
Make a $500 order and get a 15% discount
Make a $1000 order and get a 20% discount
Every client who buys content within this perod gets a Santa Girl (http://www.mosquitoartists.com/santagirl.jpg) gift drawing!

You're welcome to email us at support@mosquitoartists.com or contact us via ICQ 39910174.

Mosquito 12-14-2005 01:08 PM

Christmas sale update
Now we offer 25% discount if you buy all sets!
Our email support@mosquitoartists.com, our ICQ 39910174
Thanks for your time.

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