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Panky 12-16-2005 01:02 PM

The snow ...
can stop anytime. We have more than enough now. :D

monaro 12-16-2005 01:06 PM

Any photos?

Evil Chris 12-16-2005 01:13 PM

yeah it's a lot more than anyone expected hey?

Evil Chris 12-16-2005 01:18 PM

This is from 11am and it's still falling.

monaro 12-16-2005 01:54 PM

Looks so cold you could see your own breath :D

GoodChris 12-16-2005 02:00 PM

I can't even see my cars anymore.

Stephane76 12-16-2005 02:11 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
This is from 11am and it's still falling.

holly shhhhhhhhhhhhhh !! :bonk:

Trouble Tonya 12-16-2005 04:10 PM

I guess I am just spoiled, there is no way I could function with that much snow on the ground! GO Arizona! I much prefer the beach and the sunshine

trishie 12-16-2005 05:15 PM

wow.... send the snow to outback oz :-)

Evil Chris 12-16-2005 08:27 PM

Oh this doesn't happen very often. Maybe 3 times maximum in a winter. Usually only once or twice though.

It's no big deal. I couldn't live anywhere that didn't have 4 distinct seasons.

Panky 12-16-2005 08:42 PM

I couldn't either. I would definitely miss the seasons. I could spend a couple of months in an area that didn't have 4 distinct seasons, but that would probably be about my limit. I guess it's all a matter of what you are accustomed to.

Panky 12-16-2005 08:44 PM


Originally posted by GoodChris
I can't even see my cars anymore.

Did you dig a path for CJ?

Vid Vicious 12-16-2005 08:49 PM

didn't leave the loft today .. A perfect excuse to sit at home playing playstation and eating pizza all day :)

StaceyJo 12-19-2005 12:00 AM

So fu*king snow and damn cold...

war_ner 12-19-2005 04:26 AM

When are you going to make your own Snowman dude? :D

princess 12-20-2005 09:19 PM

Send some our way.. we never get any here :(

war_ner 12-21-2005 03:26 AM


Originally posted by princess
Send some our way.. we never get any here :(
Sucks if you live on a tropical region! :D

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