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Chris001 12-18-2005 08:43 PM

TheXXXHost.com ¡CrAzY! X-Mas Hosting Specials
Hello everyone,

I would like to notify all board members of our christmas speicals for TheXXXHost.com - a host specializing in Semi-Dedicated, a revolutionary concept in order to keep the monthly costs to a minimum, without sacrificing stability, speed or support.

We would like to offer you a discount in order to try us out and have set up two promotional coupons:
- XMas20% : 20% off on all our virtual and semi-dedicated plans!
- XMas15% : 15% off on our 1000 GB managed dedicated servers!
- XMas24% : 24% off on our unmetered dedicated servers! (at $250 for 10mbit or $395 for 20mbit P4 2.8)

Have we lost our minds? Well maybe a little. But we believe the quality of our service will earn your business and make you stay long-term. We strive for complete customer satisfaction and ease of use by providing you with fully managed solutions, by handling all technical aspects, to give you the ability to focus your time on sales. Our management includes 24/7 monitoring of your server and its services at 5 minute intervals, with automatic restarting of services, reboots, free debugging and on-site hands. We are your business partner, your success is our success!

For a full list of special offers check out http://thexxxhost.com/services.html and Feel free to hit up Mike (ICQ 256912195) or Andrew (ICQ 297820698), or call us toll free 1-888-XHOST-88 if you have any questions regarding to our business model or would like some more information, we would be more than happy to assist you.

Sales contacts:
Andrew / ICQ 297820698
Mike / ICQ 256912195

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