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MediaGuy 12-22-2005 02:28 PM

GT Tonight with the 2much Crew
Hey hey season's seasonings everyone!

2much Crew will be getting together with a bunch tonight at Brewtopia for a few drinks and pre-holiday wind down.

If you're in Montreal, and you're tired of shopping or slagging over a hot keyboard to do last minute pre-fallbehind catch-up, hook up with us there tonight some time after 8PM...


see ya there?

Ronaldo 12-22-2005 02:47 PM

Too far for me, but I'll certainly buy your crew a drink in Vegas.

MediaGuy 12-22-2005 04:23 PM

Ah too bad, I can't help ya, and Google couldn't even find Buttfuck, Manitoba.

But I'll take that drink ;)

LOL (tks)

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