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Evil Chris 12-22-2005 02:59 PM

The malls are crazy!
However, I got in them and out of them in under 3 hours with ALL my Xmas shopping done!

Now I have a bunch of presents to wrap. :xmas:

gnat69 12-22-2005 04:31 PM

lucky you, I hate the mall at this time of year but what is even worse is the customers in the mall.....

monaro 12-22-2005 05:17 PM

Did you go by yourself or did Funbrunette go shopping with you?

Taass 12-22-2005 05:50 PM

All done with that.. except for..
Finished all our xmas shopping days ago, except for 1 damn xbox controler that i probably have to spend a whole day tomorrow chasing around stores to get :(

Can't wait till this Xmas is over and we can sit back, relax and steal the kids new toys ;)

Rochard 12-22-2005 07:49 PM

When we had our house built, we picked the location because it was close to everything. Right up on the main street, Bell Road, is everything you can ask for - shopping, food, etc. It's great except for Christmas. In December this street is packed from bumper to bumper and we avoid it at all costs. Luckily we have another street to exit on.

I've been done with my Christmas shopping. I do all of mine in November and get it over with before Thanksgiving.

trishie 12-22-2005 08:21 PM

Carzy malls here too..... busy busy .. but its great atmosphere.. I have been all shopped and wrapped for a week.. I do have one pressie extra now thou

xxxmalouxxx 12-22-2005 11:20 PM

3 hours.. man you got the skills... shopping is really eaxhausting!

Evil Chris 12-23-2005 10:47 AM


Originally posted by monaro
Did you go by yourself or did Funbrunette go shopping with you?
FB has been in Tucson for the past few days so I was by myself. Power shopping. :cool:

Sometimes I find it very tough to Christmas shop. But yesterday I knew what I wanted to get for everyone, so I was in a groove I guess. Everything is wrapped and I am ready for Xmas eve and morning. :xthumbs:

MindyBlingBucks 12-23-2005 12:14 PM

Glad to hear you got everything done!! Enjoy your holiday!

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