X Nations

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Vendzilla 12-26-2005 04:03 PM

Big discount for ComusThumbs!
This is valid until the 1st of January only.. Its an end of year sale. Sixzeros's has discounted everything, and given an additional $50 discount on all epassporte purchases.

Thanks to all who have stuck by us...look for more great developments to Comus in the coming New Year.

Regards, Sixzeros

$495 for 5 pack
$895 for 10 pack
$245 for singles
$145 for add ons

OR by epassporte (comus@epassporte.com)
$455 for 5 pack
$855 for 10 pack
$195 for singles
$95 for add ons

Feeder Traffic Packages
$450 per 100k/month
$150 per 30k /month

Also in the very near future, Adult Paymaster will be adding one click galleries to the comus database, so look for it!

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