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Evil Chris 12-29-2005 02:25 PM

Mobile Porn?
What are your thoughts on handheld / mobile porn?
Will all the hype live up to its promises? Or will this be a flash in the pan or something that leads to something else more profitable?

Big Fish 12-29-2005 02:33 PM

I think that as long as these mobile viewing devices are popular, people will find a way to get porn on them. With the growth of technology, mobile viewing is here to stay. Notice that now, when a new movie comes out on video, they also say it's available on PSP.

Chipmunk 12-29-2005 02:38 PM

I think mobile/handheld Porn is coming...and is coming ina big way! It will be a bit until its full blown...but do not kid yourself about it not being big. Now that apple and other handheld companies have legitimized video... There will be way more to come.

In addition, SMS will be very large here in the US, though not as big as Europe. SMS is what we call text messaging. Granted there are certain reasons why SMS is large in Europe (demographics and technology)... But I think it will catch on here as well.


BigasMoe 12-29-2005 02:39 PM

When I first started hearing about porn on mobile devices I knew it was gonna be big. Everyone kept saying it'll never catch on here in the States, and now look what's happening. All kinds of companies are trying to figure out how to cash in on it. Now we're starting to see more and more handheld devices equipped to handle streaming video. As of late I've been contacted be more and more individuals looking for mobile content that we currently don't offer. I'm just looking forward to the day when I can say "I told you so" to everyone who thought it wouldn't happen. :)

Aly 12-29-2005 02:43 PM

I see great potential in new alternate delivery platforms. iPod delivery is a good example of this that's growing significantly. iPods were accepted as the most popular gifts (in the mainstream) this December and while they've a long way to go before saturating the marketplace as mobile phones have done, they're an exciting prospect for new revenue.

Content delivery to mobile phones solely will continue to increase and evolve, it's no flash-in-the-pan, but I really see that as something that's part of the larger evolution of not only content delivery, but also technology. That technology will evolve by demand, to better deliver content and services.

The revenue opportunities of an ipod/ pda/ phone - combo device (which also makes a great espresso..?) are where I see opportunity... and owning a chunk of any part of that market now will set some businesses up for unprecedented potential success in the future.


BigasMoe 12-29-2005 02:47 PM


Originally posted by Aly
I see great potential in new alternate delivery platforms. iPod delivery is a good example of this that's growing significantly. iPods were accepted as the most popular gifts (in the mainstream) this December and while they've a long way to go before saturating the marketplace as mobile phones have done, they're an exciting prospect for new revenue.

Content delivery to mobile phones solely will continue to increase and evolve, it's no flash-in-the-pan, but I really see that as something that's part of the larger evolution of not only content delivery, but also technology. That technology will evolve by demand, to better deliver content and services.

The revenue opportunities of an ipod/ pda/ phone - combo device (which also makes a great espresso..?) are where I see opportunity... and owning a chunk of any part of that market now will set some businesses up for unprecedented potential success in the future.


Aly you have such a way with words!:D

benoitlc666 12-29-2005 03:09 PM

hand held is the wave of the future, since the technology is already here, and as we've seen for over 10 years, the technology is evolving faster and faster. Soon, high speed and bandwidth will revolutionize once again the remote access world. I believe this market will be dominated by a few who can afford to offer a simple, fast, high res, clean and easy to pay solution for surfers, and can afford to loose some until the market picks up... for now, go after corporate america with company paid phones and unlimited data transfer packages...

Black Dog 12-29-2005 03:23 PM

Mobile porn is growing! Of course it is still in it's infancy, but anybody can see that the proliferation of phones and other devices is already out of control. It is only a matter of time before everybody has a handheld device capable of streaming video.

Small screen sizes are still the biggest drawback but live videochat has a lot of potential because the user is more interested in interacting with a real live person, than fancy hi-res graphics.

The new WebcamCash mobile platform will be ready to demo soon. If you are interested drop me, Gunner or Derek a line.


Billy-Purecash 12-29-2005 06:14 PM

Good question... hard to tell the future, hell I just got the phone with V cast so I guess I watch some stuff now !

Panky 12-29-2005 07:05 PM

What about the privacy issue? Many people surf/view porn in private. Just because the technology is there, doesn't necessarily mean it will be a big hit to download and/or view porn on cells, iPods, and the likes.

Watching last nights TV show or latest movie is a tad bit different than watching a porn flick or viewing a webcam show.

People like to touch themselves, "get into it", and/or enjoy porn with their partner(s). They can't do that sitting on a train or bus, in a cab, or on their lunch break. Sure there are people who will duck into some alley or hide out in a restroom if the mood strikes, but the majority of people aren't going to be enjoying porn while commuting or travelling. They are more likely to wait until the get home or to the hotel.

The whole point to porn is to enjoy it. If all the person may be able to do is look at pictures, watch clips, or watch a webcam show without privacy to touch themselves, then I really don't see it becoming a big hit.

Advertising porn is about getting the surfer hot-n-bothered and wanting more. If the person can't/won't get off because they are in a public place, they won't be in a mad rush to buy a membership either.

A lot of porn sales are impulse sales. If the person can't do the deed right there, they aren't going to join and then wait until they have a bit of privacy to finish the deed.

There are members' areas that offer pics with the option to send to a cell. Viewing a pic on a cell is still different than watching videos. I just don't see people watching porn videos while commuting. If pics get a person all hot-n-bothered, they aren't going to be quick to download them to a cell, iPod, or whatever gadget, especially hardcore pics, until they have a bit of privacy to enjoy them.

Interacting in a live chat may catch on, but still, the point is to keep the user hot-n-bothered to eat up those minutes and then the user eventually does the deed. People don't log on just to chat and be teased. Even still, many people prefer to chat with a bit of privacy.

MikeSmoke 12-29-2005 08:37 PM

I'm still not clear on how enormous mobile is going to be when it comes to porn - mainly because of the "privacy" thing. I've got a primo domain for it, but I'm not doing much with it yet - and not taking all of my content and re-encoding it for mobile just yet.
But I can definitely see it replacing the laptop (or now, the portable DVD player) as the main source of personal entertainment for people travelling in hotels :-)
what scares me - is envisioning the people who veer all over the road because they're *talking* on their cell phones while driving - imagine the accidents we'll be in for in the future ;-)

webgurl 12-29-2005 08:37 PM

interesting observations , I have no idea what to think of it .
I mean its portable compact porn LOL
I voted for choice #2

latinafind 12-29-2005 08:39 PM

I personally don't think I would view porn much as a surfer on my mobile - however I don't text much either and I know those who live on their cell phones so I think the market is huge. To an extent it will depend on the market reputation and the evolution of viruses on mobile platforms I think.

sweetums 12-29-2005 08:42 PM

I'm sure that mobile and handheld deliveries of adult content are going to grown in popularity as the technology improves - especially in reference to video. But in the short term its really going to depend on whether the mainstream TelCo companies want to get involved and how they're going to sell that to their public share holders :)

Syl 12-29-2005 08:57 PM

Tons of good responses here. TopBucks greatly anticipates offering adult subscriptions via ipod/mobile devices will prove to be a worthwhile business venture for us. We have many plans in this market for 2006.

Vid Vicious 12-29-2005 09:40 PM

Moile has been around for a few years now ... a little over a year ago, I started selling images with european mobile service previder .. sure we made some money .. I was getting huge downloads however the return wasn't so great. Naturally I see this little experment as a successful one since money had been made with little or no investment.

The mobile market is a good one, another avenue of return ... where it goes from here is anyones guess.

Portability seems to be the wave of the future, Fopr right now Mobile is a good extra income for your exsisting content .. I doubt that any production will be produced specifically for Mobile ...

Can you hear me moan now?

Easton 12-29-2005 11:39 PM

i'm not sure yet, but to be safe we got on the bandwagon with ohmobile for ExtremeHolly

i just use my cell for talking to people, nothing more... but i can understand some people are obsessed with their phones, so i didn't want to miss out on reaching them with my porn :)

Visualad 12-30-2005 05:48 AM

The mobile market is already huge. Ringtones, cellphone wallpapers, etc are big money makers $$$. No one can doubt that. The numbers speak for themselves. And I do not think there is any reason that the adult side of it will be just as profitable.

One needs to think beyond the "small" cell phone screen. Mobile phones and handheld devices are basically becoming "bigger and bigger" portable hard drives. Someone may download a porn movie to his mobile device, and then transfer it to his computer - and watch it there.

The same person that downloads something to his mobile device, can watch it anywere. (just needs to transfer it).

I dont know how all this will go down in the USA.. With the laws etc, over there - but in Europe and many other parts of the world... Mobile Porn is already a hit.. ;-)

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