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gabrio 01-10-2006 06:10 AM

who loves taralli like me?
1 Attachment(s)
first off happy new year at everybody here from X nations! i spent a great time in Budapest with my friends and my girl, even though anything that could happen did actually happen during our trip to Budapest hehe - if you want the details just ask lol

anyway.... during the last weeks i have found myself getting crazy for these snack food we have here in Italy, taralli... and i was telling Peter this morning about that...

do you guys have them over there? ever tried 'em?

MorganGrayson 01-10-2006 10:30 AM

Re: who loves taralli like me?

Originally posted by gabrio
first off happy new year at everybody here from X nations! i spent a great time in Budapest with my friends and my girl, even though anything that could happen did actually happen during our trip to Budapest hehe - if you want the details just ask lol

anyway.... during the last weeks i have found myself getting crazy for these snack food we have here in Italy, taralli... and i was telling Peter this morning about that...

do you guys have them over there? ever tried 'em?

Interesting looking, but I've never heard of them.

What's in the glass bottle? It sort of...glows...in the picture. ::-|

gabrio 01-10-2006 10:42 AM

it's olive oil actually... since you can get these taralli in various tastes, onion, pizza, etc etc ;-)

MorganGrayson 01-10-2006 11:14 AM


Originally posted by gabrio
it's olive oil actually... since you can get these taralli in various tastes, onion, pizza, etc etc ;-)
I figured it was olive oil...but I like the way it seems to glow. "High power" olive oil.

gabrio 01-10-2006 11:27 AM


TheLegacy 01-10-2006 11:49 AM

we have something like that in Canada


TheLegacy 01-10-2006 11:50 AM


Originally posted by gabrio
apparently your not the only one


gabrio 01-10-2006 11:58 AM


Originally posted by TheLegacy
apparently your not the only one



MorganGrayson 01-10-2006 01:15 PM


Originally posted by gabrio
Me, too. I also love the health benefits. My husband and I are both diabetics and have that "high cholesterol" thing going on, too. Olive Oil is good for getting that "good cholesterol" without getting the bad.

There's a place up in Temecula, California, we've gone to a couple of times. It's a little "olive oil" store. We bought some outstanding olive oil and got my daughter a mortar and pestle made out of the wood. It's gorgeous. It's one of those little shops that makes my credit cards tingle the minute I walk in!

Evil Chris 01-10-2006 02:51 PM

gabrio I hadn't heard of that snack either, but I bet it's something that would go well with a football or hockey game. :)

gabrio 01-11-2006 04:04 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
gabrio I hadn't heard of that snack either, but I bet it's something that would go well with a football or hockey game. :)
hehe they go well with just anything hehe

gabrio 01-11-2006 04:04 AM


Originally posted by MorganGrayson
Me, too. I also love the health benefits. My husband and I are both diabetics and have that "high cholesterol" thing going on, too. Olive Oil is good for getting that "good cholesterol" without getting the bad.

There's a place up in Temecula, California, we've gone to a couple of times. It's a little "olive oil" store. We bought some outstanding olive oil and got my daughter a mortar and pestle made out of the wood. It's gorgeous. It's one of those little shops that makes my credit cards tingle the minute I walk in!

an olive oil store... sounds cool to me

war_ner 01-11-2006 04:08 AM

Been on some Italian restaurant several times but haven't tried that oen yet.. :)

gabrio 01-11-2006 10:10 AM


Originally posted by war_ner
Been on some Italian restaurant several times but haven't tried that oen yet.. :)
i dont think you're gonna find them @ the restaurant, better checking your local supermarket or food store ;-)

Funbrunette 01-11-2006 10:57 AM


Originally posted by TheLegacy
we have something like that in Canada


ROFL!!!!!! I'm thinking this stuff is better than Timmys! :bonk:

gabrio 01-11-2006 11:10 AM

hmmm i guess this thread raised some curiosity..... who wants some taralli? i could arrange some fedex for you guys lol

wildgirl 01-12-2006 11:45 PM


Originally posted by TheLegacy
apparently your not the only one


hehe..cute pic :)

Funbrunette 01-13-2006 08:25 AM


Originally posted by gabrio
hmmm i guess this thread raised some curiosity..... who wants some taralli? i could arrange some fedex for you guys lol
Why don't I just hop on the next plane to Italy! :D Always wanted to experience the Italian culture! And maybe you can make me some of your home made gnocchi :p

Trixxxia 01-13-2006 09:32 AM

Re: who loves taralli like me?

Originally posted by gabrio
first off happy new year at everybody here from X nations! i spent a great time in Budapest with my friends and my girl, even though anything that could happen did actually happen during our trip to Budapest hehe - if you want the details just ask lol

anyway.... during the last weeks i have found myself getting crazy for these snack food we have here in Italy, taralli... and i was telling Peter this morning about that...

do you guys have them over there? ever tried 'em?

mmmm Taralli con pepperoncino! Divino ;) Buona scelta!

Evil Chris 01-13-2006 09:34 AM

Re: Re: who loves taralli like me?

Originally posted by Trixxxia
mmmm Taralli con pepperoncino! Divino ;) Buona scelta!
*that's* your first post???? :p

Trixxxia 01-13-2006 09:37 AM

Re: Re: Re: who loves taralli like me?

Originally posted by Evil Chris
*that's* your first post???? :p
I'm impressive aren't I?? hahahah

I like to slip right in unnoticed!! BAHAHAH - not a very good idea when I'm writing in another language, I think I'll get noticed faster :)

So is that your welcome? hahahah

Evil Chris 01-13-2006 10:06 AM

Re: Re: Re: Re: who loves taralli like me?

Originally posted by Trixxxia
I'm impressive aren't I?? hahahah

I like to slip right in unnoticed!! BAHAHAH - not a very good idea when I'm writing in another language, I think I'll get noticed faster :)

So is that your welcome? hahahah

hahaha.... yes that's my welcome. ;)

Trixxxia 01-13-2006 11:41 AM

I feel so abused! :(

gabrio 01-13-2006 11:48 AM

what what did anybody speak italian? hehe

Trixxxia 01-13-2006 01:15 PM


Originally posted by gabrio
what what did anybody speak italian? hehe
Penso proprio di si!

gabrio 01-13-2006 01:20 PM

ma sei italiana patrizia? di dove?

Trixxxia 01-13-2006 01:23 PM


Originally posted by gabrio
ma sei italiana patrizia? di dove?
Canadese, figlia d'italiani - mio marito e Milanese di Monza, te?

gabrio 01-13-2006 01:25 PM

perņ... io sono di Trieste

Trixxxia 01-13-2006 02:08 PM


Originally posted by gabrio
perņ... io sono di Trieste
E raro trovare gente che lavorano in adulto (che vivono in Italia) nei forum inglese. Abbiamo cercato, pero di solito le troviamo nei 'fans forum'

Comunque, piacere della conoscenza, Gabrio ;)
Meglio che la smetto prima che FB mi ammazza :bonk:

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