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DonMike 01-10-2006 07:54 PM

Your favorite swag
Okay, kids. As much as you don't want to admit it, we all love swag. Some of us are closeted about it, but come on, who hasn't grabbed a lighter from a table and found it very useful later on in the evening when someone needed a light? Or that pad of paper and pen that you just happened to find in your bag might have come in handy if you were in a rush to get someone's ICQ or email address (or phone number). So spill it, what is your favorite piece of swag.

I must say, my fav was the PrideBucks badge holder that held a notepad and pockets for business cards. Pure genius, guys. That was so handy.

Funbrunette 01-10-2006 09:00 PM

I would have to go with the Foam boobies from CyberErotica! :xthumbs:

Boob fights! Those were the good old days...lol :D

trishie 01-10-2006 09:34 PM

mmm... here in Australia a swag is something I would sleep in when I go camping!!! so aint I confused!!

Gruntled 01-10-2006 09:46 PM

swag = promotional giveaway items, usually emboldened with the sponsoring company's logo.

war_ner 01-11-2006 03:57 AM

It depends I guess on where I got it.. :)

MorganGrayson 01-11-2006 11:48 AM

I am SO sorry that I do not remember who gave this item out. It was unique in so many ways, including the fact that it did *not* have the company name on it.

It was a rubber ball that had lights in it that blinked like crazy when it bounced. I came home from the convention and bounced that sucker across the living room floor and my cats went *nuts*!! They loved the thing.

I've also had the usual compliment of lighters, pens (I *love* pens), notepads, etc.

Another one of my favorites was the really classy gold and black coffee mug that John from Pixotna gave me. He had "regular" mugs and the special gold and black ones, and I got on the "special" list. :D

Then there was the company that gave out full sized samples of their special lubricant. I think that might have been my husband's favorite swag. :p

DonMike...thanks for this thread. Lots of memories are flooding back, and I do appreciate it. I haven't been to a convention in a lot of years, but suddenly remember a lot of really good moments. :)

TheLegacy 01-11-2006 12:02 PM

for me I love handing out condoms and my business card

in getting stuff - always stuff for shedevil or nice pens etc. hate crapy stuff. TShirts are good along with mouse pads.

I would love to have a pez dispensor with DonMike as the head .. mmmm

MorganGrayson 01-11-2006 12:33 PM


Originally posted by TheLegacy
for me I love handing out condoms and my business card

in getting stuff - always stuff for shedevil or nice pens etc. hate crapy stuff. TShirts are good along with mouse pads.

I would love to have a pez dispensor with DonMike as the head .. mmmm

Could we make that "two" on the pez dispenser, please? :D

Evil Chris 01-11-2006 12:56 PM

I like the tee shirts that CEN and Maxcash used to give out, but I mean way back in 1999. I still have and wear a promo shirt for their webmaster cruise they did in 99. It has a cool skull and crossbones on the front and back and to the casual observer, it doesn't appear to have anything at all to do with adult.

Since I'm a respectable husband and father, I can't wear the explicit stuff anymore. LOL

MorganGrayson 01-11-2006 01:16 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
I like the tee shirts that CEN and Maxcash used to give out, but I mean way back in 1999. I still have and wear a promo shirt for their webmaster cruise they did in 99. It has a cool skull and crossbones on the front and back and to the casual observer, it doesn't appear to have anything at all to do with adult.

Since I'm a respectable husband and father, I can't wear the explicit stuff anymore. LOL

What you need is older children. :)

Greenguy went out of his way to get me one of his t-shirts at one convention. My own children - high school age at the time - dared me to wear it to the grocery store. So, not one to weaken in the face of a challenge, this obvious PTA Mom wore a Link-O-Rama t-shirt to the grocery store, accompanied by giggling children.

The gentleman behind me in the check-out line was attempting to look anywhere else but at my back, which had the front page of Greenguy's site on it.

I daresay he'd seen it before. :)

My reputation in the community as a bonafied eccentric is well earned. :)

DonMike 01-16-2006 03:15 PM

Glad I could open the pandora's box of memories for ya Morgan. LOL! I wasn't around in those early days but I still remember my first Internext very fondly.

Okay, TheLegacy, you're slippin'! I'm surprised you haven't made the Don Mike Pez Dispenser in photoshop yet. Hmmm, losin' your touch? LOL!

I'm just playin' with you. and don't you DARE!

Don Soporno 01-16-2006 04:34 PM

hmmmm, I dont really have a favorite cause it all rocks so much. I would say the Ipod I won from xnations but with Apple and Canada not getting along I took the cash value instead...lol... I use my porncity pens, coffee mug and beer mugs alot, I also wear my medium pimpin tshirt alot.

Does it count as swag if you trade in rewards points from ARS for it?

TheLegacy 01-16-2006 05:20 PM


Originally posted by DonMike
Glad I could open the pandora's box of memories for ya Morgan. LOL! I wasn't around in those early days but I still remember my first Internext very fondly.

Okay, TheLegacy, you're slippin'! I'm surprised you haven't made the Don Mike Pez Dispenser in photoshop yet. Hmmm, losin' your touch? LOL!

I'm just playin' with you. and don't you DARE!

I had thought a great deal about that - but it wasnt your face I was going put that opens up as a pez -

so out of respect and mere good taste - we'll wait until we meet :blush:

DonMike 01-16-2006 06:35 PM


Originally posted by TheLegacy

so out of respect and mere good taste - we'll wait until we meet :blush:


buechee 01-17-2006 01:23 AM

A Nokia duffle bag. I still use it, lol.

Rochard 01-17-2006 09:17 AM

I avoid swag like herpes. This past trip I did great and avoided everything, including the little bags that they gave away on the showroom floor.

I did snag a few Epoch zippos, however, which have been great. The lighters were the only thing I walked away with.

Panky 01-17-2006 10:17 AM


Originally posted by MorganGrayson
It was a rubber ball that had lights in it that blinked like crazy when it bounced. I came home from the convention and bounced that sucker across the living room floor and my cats went *nuts*!! They loved the thing.

They were from FlashCash. :D My cat loves them too, but I had to put an end to playing with that toy. :( The upstairs neighbor, a real crab ass, started to complain that she could hear the ball bouncing off the baseboards when the cat played at 3AM.

MorganGrayson 01-17-2006 11:53 AM

Panky...I think you were kind with that "crab ass" title bestowed upon yon *upstairs* neighbor who heard things bouncing off of YOUR baseboards. I'm assuming your a traditionalist and keep your baseboards on the floor like most people. What did ol' crab ass do, put an ear next to the floor??? :mad:

Of course, my cats are prone to the "Midnight Cat Crazies," too, and tend to go beserk in the middle of the night. That's when things tend to crash.

One of the cool things about having multiple cats is the variety of reactions to things like the light up bouncy ball. Everything from "WOW! COOL!" to "oh my god we're all gonna DIE!" (One or two of my babies fit one of the definitions of "pussy" perfectly. Others are descended from mountain cats.) :)

Kenny B 01-17-2006 04:58 PM

I kept the ibroadcast laser pointer from years ago and still drive my cats crazy wth it. Also the PB paper block sat on my desk until it was finished.

One year we gave out swiss army type knives with our name on it, seemed like a great idea but the printing was shitty and our company name rubbed off after a couple weeks, live and learn!

Quagmire 01-18-2006 08:06 PM

Sadly the only adult swag item I haven ever got was a t-shirt from the boys up at GTS. So as its my only item, I will have to list it as my favorite item until more come along.

I've been in the biz since July 2004 and I have one piece of swag. How embarassing for me.

MorganGrayson 01-19-2006 12:50 PM


Originally posted by Quagmire
Sadly the only adult swag item I haven ever got was a t-shirt from the boys up at GTS. So as its my only item, I will have to list it as my favorite item until more come along.

I've been in the biz since July 2004 and I have one piece of swag. How embarassing for me.

After a while, you'll be saying "oh, damn, where did all this shit come from?!?!?" like the rest of us, if you continue to go to conventions. It does pile up. I recently threw out a stack of business cards belonging to people that I know have changed companies, along with a collection if ID lanyards. Why I kept those things, I don't know.

DonMike 01-19-2006 01:04 PM


Originally posted by MorganGrayson
...along with a collection if ID lanyards. Why I kept those things, I don't know.
ROFLMAO!!! Yeah, I have a ton of those. Why do we keep them? LOL!

The first time my folks came to visit me here in CA was a few years ago. I cleaned up my apartment, got rid of any overtly gay or kinky paraphernalia that was laying around, just to be nice. The night before they arrived I suddenly realized, to my horror, that I had porn swag sticking out of every orifice in my apartment. I ran around and collected about three paper grocery bags full of DVDs, magazines, keychains, glasses, etc. The only thing I missed was my Porn City coffee mugs, and wasn't it a surreal experience watching my mom drinking coffee out of it one morning, totally oblivious to what was printed on the front. Ugh.

Mr. Blue 01-19-2006 03:30 PM


Originally posted by Panky
They were from FlashCash. :D My cat loves them too, but I had to put an end to playing with that toy. :( The upstairs neighbor, a real crab ass, started to complain that she could hear the ball bouncing off the baseboards when the cat played at 3AM.
Geez, she is a crab ass, I thought you were joking about how bad your neighbor was. If she complains about the ball bouncing off the baseboards...does she ever complain about hearing, umm, bedsprings, umm, wait how can I say this without, umm, okay nevermind.

My favorite swag, umm, skull cap from MP, but I only wear it to annoy my fiancee :D

niterider 01-19-2006 09:26 PM

Damn I should have taken a pair of boobies.. They were flying everywhere

Quagmire 01-24-2006 08:51 AM


Originally posted by MorganGrayson
After a while, you'll be saying "oh, damn, where did all this shit come from?!?!?" like the rest of us, if you continue to go to conventions. It does pile up. I recently threw out a stack of business cards belonging to people that I know have changed companies, along with a collection if ID lanyards. Why I kept those things, I don't know.
Hell, you should have kept the lanyards and offered backstage passes to your house guests. You could get someone to stand at the front door in a black security t-shirt.

If nothing else it would get the new neighbours wondering "WTF?" :)

gnat69 01-24-2006 10:28 AM

Good Quality Baby T's

My Favourite one is "It's All About The Blowjobs" www.janelovesdick.com

I wear this t-shirt everywhere and I don't care what people think...hehe

Fatal Attraction 01-24-2006 11:45 AM

Ccbill lighters with the bottle opener. I loved those, they came in really handy when everyone was drinking corona and had no bottle opener

MorganGrayson 01-24-2006 01:58 PM


Originally posted by Quagmire
Hell, you should have kept the lanyards and offered backstage passes to your house guests. You could get someone to stand at the front door in a black security t-shirt.

If nothing else it would get the new neighbours wondering "WTF?" :)

Gosh, I wish I'd had this post before I tossed the lanyards out! :)

I'm definitely going to think seriously about Mr. Muscle in the black security t-shirt, though. That sounds like a pleasant addition to my life. :)

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