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pf69.com 01-11-2006 03:55 PM

random porn links...
I am working on a new page for one of my sites....
I have made 18 html pages with all the links of some of my sponsors...and they ramdomly show up on that page....
I hope it will do pretty well....
still lots of work to do on it...but I am having some fun with it...hehehehee
lots of links to be added...and everything else!!

my new random porn links page

what do you guys think of the idea?

Evil Chris 01-11-2006 04:08 PM

Interesting... it reminds me of a site from a long time ago called Porn Roulette where it was a random thing.

Probably good for keywords and search engine traffic too.

pf69.com 01-11-2006 09:07 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Interesting... it reminds me of a site from a long time ago called Porn Roulette where it was a random thing.

Probably good for keywords and search engine traffic too.

I really hope so...

MorganGrayson 01-12-2006 11:49 AM

Now *that* is seriously cool! :xthumbs:

MediaGuy 01-12-2006 12:33 PM

Dang! it's offline!!!

I wanna see! I wanna see!

Actually I wanted to look at the code to understand how the randomness worked - because of what you said about search engines and keywords...


pf69.com 01-12-2006 02:03 PM

offline? why everyone keeps telling me that is is not working when it is working?

MediaGuy 01-12-2006 02:07 PM

Actually, http://www.pf69-galleries.com/random-porn/ wasn't working but now it is...

This one http://www.kftw.com.br/free-porn/ was ok - :D

Instead of telling users to "refresh the page" (which i'll tell you many surfers aren't as familiar with those terms as you'd think) you should have a button or link right on the page(s) telling them "not enough?" or "Link Refresher - click here!!" or whatever - you know what I mean?

pf69.com 01-12-2006 02:09 PM

is there an java script that does that?
if so do you have the code for it?

MorganGrayson 01-12-2006 02:25 PM

*standing by, notepad in hand...virtually speaking* :D

pf69.com 01-12-2006 02:35 PM


MediaGuy 01-12-2006 02:43 PM

I don't think you need a fancy javascript for that though... make that "Refresh The Porn" link a link to itself.. i assume it's a php script in there somewhere so link to http://www.pf69-galleries.com/random-porn/ (and maybe add index.php there, though I think that might not work or do any good)

But if it is then each time bots will hit the page they'll see it differently - causing them to come back again...

(just check your bandwidth though - some like MSNBot have been known to kamikaze into a site like a blind bull, cranking it up)

pf69.com 01-12-2006 03:05 PM


Originally posted by MediaGuy
I don't think you need a fancy javascript for that though... make that "Refresh The Porn" link a link to itself.. i assume it's a php script in there somewhere so link to http://www.pf69-galleries.com/random-porn/ (and maybe add index.php there, though I think that might not work or do any good)

But if it is then each time bots will hit the page they'll see it differently - causing them to come back again...

(just check your bandwidth though - some like MSNBot have been known to kamikaze into a site like a blind bull, cranking it up)

thx for the suggestions!!!
I have taken note on all of them...and weill do some of them next week...

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