X Nations

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-   -   Uniqe Celebrity Program, perfect for niche traffic. (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=1385)

Thor 12-31-2002 06:17 AM

Uniqe Celebrity Program, perfect for niche traffic.
Want to promote 6 completely redesigned celebrity sites ? Then join our 50/50 partner program.
What makes our celebrity program so special is that it divides celebs into niches
like teen celebs, mature celebs, that is something you wont find in any other celeb
program, this gives you the oppertunity to pick the site that fits your traffic the most.
Besides that we have several hundred banners and lots of sponsor hosted galleries.
If this caught your intrest, then check out our site(s) below.

main site http://banditcash.com/

And the sites that you will be promoting:







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