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MorganGrayson 01-13-2006 06:47 PM

Online Chatting Leads to Virtual Wedding
JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) - Rita Sri Mutiara Dewi's fiance could not get time off from his job in the United States. But that didn't stop the couple - who have never met in person - from tying the knot on Thursday.

And a Muslim cleric who witnessed the ceremony between the Indonesian lovers declared it legal, she said, even though they were on opposite ends of the earth.

"We are happy that we're married now, even though we had to do it via the Internet," said Dewi, 50, noting that the two used a video link so her relatives could see her 52-year-old groom.

Dewi met Wiriadi, a physiotherapist who works at a hospital in California, in an Internet chat room several months ago. They exchanged pictures and contacted each other almost every day, she said, speaking usually online but other times by phone.

In November Wiriadi proposed. Over the Internet, of course.

Dewi, who works as a teacher in Malaysia, returned to Indonesia for the virtual wedding. Wiriadi, who uses only one name, was in California. It was the second marriage for both.

Dewi said Friday she plans to travel to the United States next month to meet her new husband.

This one almost defies any logical comment...but somewhere, somehow...I'll think of something to say about this. Eventually. Geeze, it's a big, wierd world, isn't it?

Funbrunette 01-13-2006 09:19 PM

That is ABSOLUTELY crazy! I mean you always test drive a car before you buy it No? ::-|

StaceyJo 01-13-2006 09:38 PM

whooaaaa, hopefully it will lasts...

bec. I doubt it!!!

MonsterPartners 01-14-2006 02:13 PM

Someone I know met a guy on the Internet, about 3 months later he drove to her paretns house to pick her up, they drove over the state line to get married. They met and were married all within an hour. Eight years later and 3 kids later they are happier than pigs in shit

wildgirl 01-16-2006 11:22 AM

Hope it will last...goodluck to them :)

-Red- 01-16-2006 01:15 PM

Defiant and I met online. We chatted for almost 3 years before we finally met. (and what a hot story that was. ;))

We've been together since 1999. So far, so good. :)

TheLegacy 01-16-2006 05:22 PM

well. .I have to admit.. they married based on love of personality - I pray they used real pictures and webcam was higher quality

MorganGrayson 01-17-2006 12:27 PM


Originally posted by -Red-
Defiant and I met online. We chatted for almost 3 years before we finally met. (and what a hot story that was. ;))

We've been together since 1999. So far, so good. :)

I thought of you guys when I read that, but figured I'd let you tell about it.

Sometimes it does indeed work. As Legacy said, it's based on "personality love," which is what truly matters - as anyone who's ever made the mistake of getting involved with someone because they will attractive will attest.

While cleaning out and packing to move I found an ID card with a photo taken when I was 21. I showed it to my husband, with sort of a depressed, self-pitying "this is what I looked like at 21." He looked at it, shrugged and said "you just look like a younger you. You haven't changed all that much." Now, that's the kind of stuff you get when you marry for personalities. "I haven't changed"? Please, dear, let's be real here. Of course, when I stare intently at him, I can't see where he's changed all that much, either. Intellectually, I realize his old clothes don't fit, so I know he's put on weight. His bald spot on the top of his head is bigger...but I've called that my "kissy spot" since I met him, so who cares. (I think bald men are sexy anyway. Always have. Good thing, he began to go bald in his early twenties.) He's got that terribly distinguished silvering at the temples that men get. So, it all depends on the eyes that are doing the looking. Maybe in his eyes I haven't changed all that much. :)

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