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Evil Chris 01-16-2006 11:49 AM

24 is back
Anyone else watch opening night last night?
It was excellent, and looks to be the best one yet.

Another 2 hours tonight!

MorganGrayson 01-16-2006 12:21 PM

Hi, Chris! :)

My husband taped it for me. I have to watch the first two hours before catching the second show tonight! I'm hoping this is a good season.

Panky 01-16-2006 03:21 PM

I love 24! I was hooked on it from the first episode. I can't wait for the new season of Soprano's to begin in March too. :D

axedbydax 01-16-2006 04:20 PM

I already have season 1 to 3...waiting for season 4

crazybeautiful 01-16-2006 04:27 PM

can't wait to see it again... it's one of the good series

Evil Chris 01-16-2006 08:18 PM

The following takes place between 9am and 10am. :xthumbs:

(commercial break!)

MorganGrayson 01-17-2006 12:14 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
The following takes place between 9am and 10am. :xthumbs:

(commercial break!)

Oh, don't even get me started on the "commercial breaks"!!!! :mad:

One of the truly great things about having the first two hour episode on tape was that we could zip through the commercials and watch the 17 minutes of show that remained. We watched it right before the second two hour episode and my hand kept twitching toward the remote every time there was a commercial break.

I LOVE freaky lil' loyal to the end Cloe! I especially love her when she's got a gun in her hand! :xthumbs:

My husband muttered "we've got a 'KimKidnapVictimReplacementCharacter," as is almost de rigeur with this show. And, of course, "the mole."

Good to see Jean Smart working, too! :)

crazybeautiful 01-17-2006 04:07 PM

wanna get a complete dvd set :((

bird 01-17-2006 05:27 PM

Damn I missed it last sunday, Only other show I like on TV besides EARL

war_ner 01-18-2006 01:58 AM

One of the best action series we have right now.

StaceyJo 01-19-2006 12:49 AM

I'll be watching it, I cant wait Jack Bauer in action!!! ;)

axedbydax 01-19-2006 11:16 AM

he is one of my favorite actors and 24 is simply the best for me...

Evil Chris 01-19-2006 11:22 AM

I can't seem to get FB into it though. Neither is she interested much with Lost.

MorganGrayson 01-19-2006 11:42 AM

I vividly remember the first season. I sat at the television, breathing heavily, causing my family fear for my heart. "Ease up, Mom, it's just a television show!" I was addicted. It's a little difficult to maintain that level of audience intensity...what's the phrase I want?..."intensity as an audience," perhaps...syntax breakdown there...and I think I took a season off and only watched a couple of episodes. I'm once again glued to the screen.

One of the things I appreciate about the show is that anyone can die. Keifer Sutherland has even mentioned that it would make perfect sense for the show if Jack Bauer died sometime. Therefore, there's no guarantee that there will be an eleventh hour rescue of anybody.

I was sad to see Michelle get toasted, but I never really forgave her for divorcing Tony after he threw his life away to save her. (Yes, yes, he turned into a difficult drunk, I know.)

You know who I really liked? The girl who played Roseanne Barr's daughter on the sitcom. She was a computer jockey that got killed in the explosion at CTU. I liked her.

TheLegacy 01-19-2006 12:18 PM

it is very rare that I get into TV shows but 24 has definitely kept my attention

MorganGrayson 01-19-2006 12:30 PM


Originally posted by TheLegacy
it is very rare that I get into TV shows but 24 has definitely kept my attention
I've had years of not watching television. Then years when there were only a couple of things I watched. I almost hate the years when every night is full of shows I'm following. I feel as if my life has been hijacked by the television set.

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