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MorganGrayson 01-17-2006 12:43 PM

What is this and why do we own it?
We're moving.

The good part: we've found our dream place; our "empty nester's nest;" the perfect design for the way we live our lives; the perfect back yard that will take two pieces of fence and a gate to make our little dog safe. After years of paying rent, we'll finally own something other than a stack of receipts.

The bad part: well, anyone who's ever moved knows what the bad part is. We have to go through every single thing we own, sort, pack, throw out or donate. We've lived in this place for almost 18 years. We've raised children here, who managed to move out leaving a goodly part of their childhood behind.

It also appears we've never thrown a damned thing away.

We're staring at things muttering "what IS this? where did we get it? why?" (No celestial being has deigned to answer, either.) We're trying to be cold and practical and throw out or donate a lot of things rather than continue the "oh, we *might* need that, let's keep it." No, honey, you won't ever repair that lamp, get rid of it. No, honey, you won't ever find a use for that...get rid of it. No, honey, I don't even know what that frigging IS...get rid of it.

My husband found a very impressive, tidily organized box of large envelopes. Tax records...going back to 1979. Omigosh. He's not OCD, but I'd hate to have to defend him against the charge. So, he's got about a dozen or so boxes destined for the company that does the shredding where he works.

We've already backed up the VW Bus and given Goodwill a huge donation. It's just the first. I nearly cried when they refused our originally $900 gorgeous set of encyclopedias. We were so happy when we bought those for the kids. I cried. Now...we can't even give the things away. I own about a thousand books, so we don't have space for them in the new place, either. My husband said "I guess we'll just throw them out" and my stomach turned, so we'll have to see what happens to them.

I'm touching things I haven't touched in years. It's so easy to get sidetracked with "remember when." It's so easy to get pulled into grief over lost friends and family members. It's so easy to get yanked into memories.

Yesterday we went through my youngest daughter's things. All I did was repackage them, basically. I'm not taking the responsibility for throwing out her childhood things. She's got a huge stuffed animal collection, and I saved all of them. They're going to take up too much space in our storage shed, but what the hell. Someday *she* can come down and go through them.

We have more office supplies than most businesses. If this place ever caught fire, I swear, it would burn for days. I can not believe the number of manuscripts I've written over the years. I don't remember most of them. It was very difficult not to get stopped in my tracks by reading them.

I've totally lost my "work focus," too. I'm glad I have notes on the last freesite I built, because otherwise, I wouldn't know what the hell I was doing.

We're moving. I'm glad. I'll be even more happy when I can say "we've moved."

Panky 01-17-2006 05:42 PM

Congratulations on the new home!

Thank God the "pack rat" gene has skipped me. LOL! I don't have any children, so the gene may activate when that happens. I hope not though. LOL!

My entire family are pack rats. My parents have accumulated so much stuff over the years, that I hate to think of what my brother and I will be left to go through when they grow old and need to downsize or when they die. They keep their house really neat and non-cluttered, but every possible space of storage is filled to the max. It's insane. My dad still has suits in his closet from the 70's that he never gets rid of. :nuts:

trishie 01-17-2006 06:45 PM

Congrads :)
but i always say.. if in doubt throw it out !!

war_ner 01-18-2006 01:55 AM

I wish you the best on that new sanctuary. :)

MorganGrayson 01-18-2006 02:03 AM


Originally posted by war_ner
I wish you the best on that new sanctuary. :)
Thank you, war_ner. That's well put. :)

trishie...that is periodically my favorite quote! :D Unfortunately...it can be a long time from one "periodically" to the next....

Panky...having children does change things. You end up keeping all the cool drawings, awards, and of course...photographs. TONS of photographs, some in frames, some in boxes, some still in the little packets from the film developing place. I also can't - and won't! - count the number of rolls of *undeveloped* film I've discovered. I have a lifetime (theirs) of receiving "cute little stuffed animals" for every possible occasion. Sorting and packing up this stuff sends an "empty nester Mom" into tears quite often. The adults may be alive and well, but the children in the photographs don't exist and never will again. It can be heartbreaking if one is an emotional type...and sadly, I am.

We also hit a snag with the seller today. It may push escrow's closing back some. I took that a little harder than I should have, I suppose. There's no good way to take it, though. All we can do is trust in our realtor - which we do - and keep on sorting and packing.

Note to FB: I followed instructions, m'Lady, and rested today. My little Dingo curled up beside me and assisted me in a nice, long nap. :)

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