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MorganGrayson 01-17-2006 02:26 PM

My Zippo Broke
I felt the need to share that. :(

I love my Zippo lighter. It was a gift. I am beside myself with grief....

Funbrunette 01-17-2006 02:40 PM

Re: My Zippo Broke

Originally posted by MorganGrayson
I felt the need to share that. :(

I love my Zippo lighter. It was a gift. I am beside myself with grief....

Morgan, it's a sign...To quit smoking! ;)

MorganGrayson 01-17-2006 02:52 PM

Re: Re: My Zippo Broke

Originally posted by Funbrunette
Morgan, it's a sign...To quit smoking! ;)
It's definitely a sign to do something.

I actually wondered if somebody was trying to tell me something.

Then I found a very beautiful disposable lighter that I bought as a souvenir in Temecula. It's killing my arthritic thumb to flick it, though, so maybe there are forces at work.

I'll listen to them when all the other signs I've been getting lately have been taken care of. :)

Vid Vicious 01-17-2006 03:02 PM

seems to me real Zippos come with a lifetime gaurentee .. Just send them your broken zippo they should be able to fix it or replace it free of charge ...

MorganGrayson 01-17-2006 03:21 PM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
seems to me real Zippos come with a lifetime gaurentee .. Just send them your broken zippo they should be able to fix it or replace it free of charge ...
Thank you, Vid. I'd forgotten they came with a guarantee. My only problem is...of course...I've lost all the paperwork that came with it.

bird 01-17-2006 05:29 PM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
seems to me real Zippos come with a lifetime gaurentee .. Just send them your broken zippo they should be able to fix it or replace it free of charge ...
That's why it's a zippo

Funbrunette 01-17-2006 05:56 PM


Originally posted by bird
That's why it's a zippo
It's a lighter :)


war_ner 01-18-2006 01:55 AM

You can start from there man. Quite smoking.. :D

MorganGrayson 01-18-2006 02:20 AM

Quitting smoking is on my "To Do" list. Really.

You know you have problems when your own doctor says "uh...put off quitting smoking until you deal with all the other things" which in fact, my doctor did.

When the time comes, I'm getting the patches, the classes and support groups, all the cool things the insurance company offers to help smokers quit.

LATE BREAKING NEWS: My husband fixed my Zippo!! Some little doohickey in the lid had bent, not broken. He did say it's fixed "for now," as the little doohickey may break permanently. But for now, my Zippo is back in the land of the...zipping! :D

Vid Vicious 01-18-2006 12:33 PM

No problem .. I happen to be a huge Zippo collector .. it's the only collection that wasn't stolen last dec. 2004

Zippo Manufacturing Company of Canada Limited
P.O. BOX 1014
Niagra Falls, Ontario
L2E 6V9

The Guarantee reads ...
"Zippo lighters when returned to our factory will be put in first class mechanical condition free of charge, for we have yet charge a cent for repairs regardless of age or condition. The finish however is not guaranteed. "

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