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domtheboy 01-18-2006 12:33 PM

Headline: newbie to board in bland introductory post shocker !
Hi guys

Just a quickie to say hi to you all. Morgan invited me over to come and join you, look forward to chatting to you all in the future !


Dom :D

MorganGrayson 01-18-2006 12:41 PM

Re: Headline: newbie to board in bland introductory post shocker !

Originally posted by domtheboy
Hi guys

Just a quickie to say hi to you all. Morgan invited me over to come and join you, look forward to chatting to you all in the future !


Dom :D

Hello, my delightful stud muffin boy toy! :luv:

This here's my sweetie! We trade off on which of us is mentor to the other at any given time. Or, to put it in other terms...sometimes I'm on top, sometimes he's on top! :D

domtheboy 01-18-2006 12:42 PM

Re: Re: Headline: newbie to board in bland introductory post shocker !
[QUOTEsometimes I'm on top, sometimes he's on top! :D [/b][/quote]

You're absolutely determined to get me strung up by my mrs aren't you :p

MorganGrayson 01-18-2006 12:58 PM

Re: Re: Re: Headline: newbie to board in bland introductory post shocker !

Originally posted by domtheboy
[QUOTEsometimes I'm on top, sometimes he's on top! :D
You're absolutely determined to get me strung up by my mrs aren't you :p [/b][/quote]

Well, I'm going to get your "strung up" in some fashion, that's for certain! :boobies:

Don Soporno 01-18-2006 03:32 PM

Whats up dude, hows shitz?

Panky 01-18-2006 04:05 PM

Welcum to XNations http://www.icando4u.com/smile/wave2.gif

jade12 01-19-2006 03:13 AM

hello and welcome to Xnations ;o)

Mr. Blue 01-19-2006 03:42 AM

Re: Re: Headline: newbie to board in bland introductory post shocker !

Originally posted by MorganGrayson
Hello, my delightful stud muffin boy toy! :luv:
Ewww, now there's a mental image of dom that I didn't want to know.

Welcome to xnations dom, hopefully they won't learn about that incident with you, the midget, and the vacuum cleaner...maybe this can be a new start for you. I'm glad no one knows about that...oh wait...umm...okay nm.

war_ner 01-19-2006 04:17 AM

Welcome to the board!

MorganGrayson 01-19-2006 11:59 AM

Re: Re: Re: Headline: newbie to board in bland introductory post shocker !

Originally posted by Mr. Blue
Ewww, now there's a mental image of dom that I didn't want to know.

Welcome to xnations dom, hopefully they won't learn about that incident with you, the midget, and the vacuum cleaner...maybe this can be a new start for you. I'm glad no one knows about that...oh wait...umm...okay nm.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Mr. Blue, you are my new best friend!!!! :D

Dom has been my favorite person to flirtatiously tease for some time. He has also (Don't read this, Dom!) been one of those most reliable shoulders that are always offered at precisely the moment they are needed. How he can tell from "across the pond," I know not, but just when I think life isn't worth living, my ICQ goes off and it's my British Boy Toy, there to comfort me. (OK, stud, you can start reading again!)

By the way, Mr. Blue...I have that whole midget and vacuum cleaner incident on tape. The lighting needed a little work, but one certainly can't fault the plot! :D

domtheboy 01-19-2006 02:42 PM

Re: Re: Re: Headline: newbie to board in bland introductory post shocker !

Originally posted by Mr. Blue
Ewww, now there's a mental image of dom that I didn't want to know.

Welcome to xnations dom, hopefully they won't learn about that incident with you, the midget, and the vacuum cleaner...maybe this can be a new start for you. I'm glad no one knows about that...oh wait...umm...okay nm.

Thanks for the warm welcome guys :)

The midget, why do they always find out about the midget........

TheLegacy 01-19-2006 03:01 PM

Re: Re: Re: Re: Headline: newbie to board in bland introductory post shocker !

Originally posted by domtheboy
Thanks for the warm welcome guys :)

The midget, why do they always find out about the midget........

wasnt me



Stephane76 01-19-2006 03:09 PM

welcome to the board

MorganGrayson 01-19-2006 03:19 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I've always liked this guy:

MorganGrayson 01-19-2006 03:33 PM

Ah...I love it when a memory surfaces....

I had a crush on the actor that played "Dr. Loveless" on the old "Wild, Wild West" show when I was a little kid. I'd managed to stay up and catch him on the "Tonight Show" and thought he was so bright, so funny. He had a wonderful ability to laugh at himself. I was so grief stricken when he died.

Years later, as an adult, I was in the grocery store, my mind wandering as it usually does, when a very small man came into my field of vision. A very small, very handsome man, in a three piece suit. He was a midget, not a dwarf, as he was perfectly formed, just very short. My face must have reflected the very aroused thoughts I had about said handsome man, because *his* face lit up. I felt so absolutely beautiful at that moment. Also a little awkward for having had the hornies for a man in the grocery store. We both blushed a little, then passed each other, having brightened each other's day considerably.

So that's my one and only experience with "midget sex."

It's also on my list of "missed moments that I sort of regret." We would have been quite a collection of niches...but I do wonder what would have happened...if....

Mr. Blue 01-19-2006 04:46 PM

Note to self...don't watch The Wizard of Oz at Morgan's house.

MorganGrayson 01-19-2006 04:52 PM


Originally posted by Mr. Blue
Note to self...don't watch The Wizard of Oz at Morgan's house.
Cold, Mr. Blue. Very cold. :p

So what you're basically saying is that you don't want to be around me in case I get horny, correct? :nuts:

Mr. Blue 01-19-2006 05:12 PM

lol, umm, well...I'm 6 foot tall, you're not going to find me attractive if you're midget fetishing at the time.

Weeeee...represent the lollipop guild the lollipop guild the lollipop guild and in the name of the lollipop GUUUUUILLLLDDD...we'd like to welcome you to munchkin land.

Oh damn that song is going to be stuck in my head all day long now. I blame this all on Dom and his damn midget and vacuum incident.

MorganGrayson 01-19-2006 06:38 PM


Originally posted by Mr. Blue
lol, umm, well...I'm 6 foot tall, you're not going to find me attractive if you're midget fetishing at the time.

Weeeee...represent the lollipop guild the lollipop guild the lollipop guild and in the name of the lollipop GUUUUUILLLLDDD...we'd like to welcome you to munchkin land.

Oh damn that song is going to be stuck in my head all day long now. I blame this all on Dom and his damn midget and vacuum incident.

I am *not* a midget fetishist! :p

Geesh, one sparkly moment and you're branded for life! :D

You did turn me on with that song, though....

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