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zymhosting 01-19-2006 03:05 PM

Hurry, Great Offers End Soon
ZYMHOSTING.COM has some great specials for the month of January! We're practically giving away bandwidth and servers at these prices.

All of our packages, big and small, receive the same quality bandwidth and support, no matter how much you pay. We treat all of our clients equally and we strive on providing some of the best support in the industry.

Our network is backed by multiple tier-1 providers, and only premium network hardware is used on our network. Our technical support is on-site and available 24/7 ready to help our clients with anything and everything. No task is too big, or small.

All of our servers feature Intel XEON processors or Intel Pentium 4's, SCSI or SATA hard disks, dedicated ports and more. We do not make our dedicated clients "share" bandwidth like most hosting companies, nor do we over sell or over subscribe our network.

Please take a look at our specials below and feel free to contact us with any questions. If you need a custom solution configured please let us know and we'll put together a quote for you.

10Mbps Dedicated Solution

Intel P4 3.0GHz CPU
512MB Memory
2 x 80GB Serial ATA Hard Drives
2 IP Addresses & 1 Primary
10Mbps Dedicated PORT - NOT Shared
10Mbps Unmetered Bandwidth

$299.99 per month w/ no setup fee.

25Mbps Dedicated Solution

Intel P4 3.0GHz CPU
1024MB Memory
2 x 80GB Serial ATA Hard Drives
8 IP Addresses & 1 Primary
100Mbps Dedicated PORT - NOT Shared
25Mbps Unmetered Bandwidth

$599.99 per month w/ no setup fee.

Order our 25Mbps dedicated solution by January 31, 2006 and receive 10Mbps FREE for as long as you keep the server. That's 35Mbps for $599.99 per month!

Please contact us if you have any questions and look out for our weekly specials.

If the hardware above does not suit your needs let us know and for a small fee you can upgrade the P4 CPU's to XEON processors or swap out the Serial ATA hard drives with 15K RPM SCSI hard drives.

Thank you,

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