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Funbrunette 01-23-2006 01:09 PM

Friendly warning!!!!!
OK, you all know my tolerence for drama is very LIMITED! I pride myself on running a clean and fun board and I WILL NOT PUT UP WITH DISRESPECT! I'll be polite for now IFRvideo, but I'm watching you...Keep your nose clean or you're "outta" here. Any questions? :D

MorganGrayson 01-23-2006 01:22 PM

Any fussing with FB's rules and I'm afraid that I shall be forced to run a person down with my wheelchair. :mad:

There's something especially mortifying about being sent to the emergency room by an aged disgruntled cripple in a cobalt blue wheelchair with a bicycle horn and streamers on the handles. (I'm a balloon away from being a parade float.) :)

(This is where we all chuckle at the image, folks. I cope with my life by being funny and it helps if everyone else sees the humor in it. It really does.) :D

Quagmire 01-23-2006 02:12 PM

I want to piss FB off just so she'll smack me and I can feel her touch me. Raaaahr!

Funbrunette 01-23-2006 02:14 PM


Originally posted by Quagmire
I want to piss FB off just so she'll smack me and I can feel her touch me. Raaaahr!
ROFL!!!!!! Freak! Come to Momma! ;)

globofun 01-24-2006 12:34 AM

I do have a question.................

Don Soporno 01-24-2006 12:43 AM


globofun 01-24-2006 12:56 AM


Originally posted by Don Soporno
......what about me? :bonk:

war_ner 01-24-2006 03:39 AM

Ok, I think that's clar enough.. :)

Don Soporno 01-24-2006 01:26 PM


Originally posted by globofun
......what about me? :bonk:


Now good day

Trouble Tonya 01-24-2006 01:56 PM

Drama makes me vomit!

Don Soporno 01-24-2006 02:28 PM

what about fake drama stirred up just for attention? Personally I think thats the worst kind.

Funbrunette 01-24-2006 02:42 PM


Such a classic!


MorganGrayson 01-24-2006 02:58 PM


Originally posted by Don Soporno
what about fake drama stirred up just for attention? Personally I think thats the worst kind.
For those of you "new kids," back in the day "drama" was a major part of every message board. It exists today on certain boards. But back then, one cut one's teeth - almost like the Mafia's "making your bones" - by one's ability to "piss." It never mattered much what one was pissing *about.* Hurling insults became an art form.

It was as pointless as it sounds. I can imagine some of the "new kids" reading this muttering "huh?" but the oldsters know to what I am referring.

We're all glad those times are mostly gone.

It's too easy to post "hey, please email me or hit me up on icq" with a nice smilie attached, even if the text of the intended email or icq will be sharply worded. That way the entire world doesn't know there is a problem. It also prevents having to crawl back in and apologize if one finds out one is wrong. (That's happened more than once.)

It sounds simplistic, but if you can't say anything nice...don't say anything at all.

If you have a genuine complaint - I consider a genuine compliant one that has cost you money - that you worry might cost others money, it's best to contact a mod on the board and ask advice before posting a diatribe against a company or person. The mod, being at this point an objective third party, may offer assistance. One of those "hey, let me take a shot at helping to resolve this first, ok?" things.

I'd never start a war based on whether or not I received an email. I have a dear, treasured friend that caused me great concern by remaining out of contact. I kept sending "are you all right?!?!?" emails to her. Well, as it turned out, my email provider doesn't like her email provider, and all the mails she sent me never landed in my inbox. So...she now writes to my business email. (Same provider as my personal email, this makes NO sense whatsoever.) In amongst the business mail and the porn spam are emails that begin "Hi, Mom!" (That's the relationship we have. She needed a "Mom," and I'm a good one.) It's a tad unnerving, I don't like her mails in that company, but I do appreciate getting them.

I also despise ICQ. I think it's unreliable.

Just one posters ad hoc opinions. :)

Zebra 01-24-2006 03:16 PM

I started drama with FB once. Now I talk out of the back of my head.
She has a wicked backhand...

Don Soporno 01-24-2006 03:24 PM

she spanked me once in 2001 and I still cant sit down.

TheLegacy 01-24-2006 03:44 PM


Originally posted by Don Soporno
she spanked me once in 2001 and I still cant sit down.

would a foam butt insert help at all to replace the one she's whipped off?


Don Soporno 01-24-2006 03:47 PM


Originally posted by TheLegacy
would a foam butt insert help at all to replace the one she's whipped off?



Ben looking for one of those to replace it. Now I just need the pants with the butt pad pocket, kinda like the front of a jock strap has the pocket to hold the cup...lolol

war_ner 01-25-2006 01:18 AM

Nice suggestion there man! LOL

montrealpornking 01-25-2006 03:13 PM


Originally posted by Don Soporno
she spanked me once in 2001 and I still cant sit down.

hmmmmm. getting smacked by FB.
That could be a turn on :D in some form or way.
OK everyone taking a 15 minute break.
Time to go to fantasy island.

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