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wsjb78 01-01-2003 05:35 AM

The Time Machine
Still being sick at home there's not much to do here than watching TV (ok, could also get some work done here, BUT .... :) ), anyway, there's just the Orginal Time Machine movie. I remember when I was little I really loved that movie but everytime I saw it I had nightmares the following nights... :(

Evil Chris 01-01-2003 10:51 AM

Re: The Time Machine

Originally posted by wsjb78
Still being sick at home there's not much to do here than watching TV (ok, could also get some work done here, BUT .... :) ), anyway, there's just the Orginal Time Machine movie. I remember when I was little I really loved that movie but everytime I saw it I had nightmares the following nights... :(
Same here.... great movie but it scared me too as a young lad... :)
Have you seen the remake? Most people didn't like it, and it didn't do very well at the theatres, but I liked it! I even watched it twice...

wsjb78 01-01-2003 11:22 AM

Haven't seen the remake yet... I think I'll buy the DVD anyway just to find out.

Evil Chris 01-02-2003 10:07 AM

If you liked the original that much (as I did), I'm sure you'll enjoy the remake. I love time-travel movies....

wsjb78 01-02-2003 03:21 PM

Time Travelling is cool... I'd just love to go into the future and see what they invent all there... and then come back with some real cool gadgets like a ligth sabre or two of 'em.... :)

Mister X 01-02-2003 06:30 PM

Hmmm. Time machine. Could be an interesting way to get a jump on your competition. "Tomorrow's Sex Toys Today!" would be a good slogan. :D

You could even get ahold of Britney Spears when she's washed up and desperate (probably about 2004) and get her to do some nasty content shots that you can market while she's still semi-bankable. ::-|

The possibilities are endless! :cackle:

I wonder if now-Britney could sue future-Britney for damaging her career or something? :confused:

wsjb78 01-03-2003 06:09 AM

You could also just jump a few day into the future, write down the correct numbers for Lottery and you're all set!

Mister X 01-03-2003 07:24 PM


Originally posted by wsjb78
You could also just jump a few day into the future, write down the correct numbers for Lottery and you're all set!
Would there be naked singers in this scenario? :D

wsjb78 01-04-2003 12:59 PM

Who are you thinking of?

Mister X 01-04-2003 04:33 PM


Originally posted by wsjb78
Who are you thinking of?
Ones that would make me rich when I sell the pics! Hehe. Can you imagine selling pics of some no talent bimbo the day after she gets a number 1 hit? :D

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