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Wildcats 01-31-2006 08:24 AM

Tour Page Suggestions
Being new to the adult webmaster industry I was wondering peoples opinions of our tour page?

Are we giving the clients enough content to warrant joining?

Have any layouts or methods that have worked for you in the past?

Any suggestions (constructive ofc) would be great.

Thanks In Advance

Wildcats World

Rochard 01-31-2006 10:49 AM

I charge big bucks for looking at other people's tours......

How much content you put up on a tour is up to you and what you feel comfortable with. The number thing you need to remember is that with every click you loose a percentage of your surfers because they loose interest or what ever reason. So the goal is to always keep them one click from a join page.

Here's a few quick things.....

1) This page isn't your tour, it's your landing page. It should have a few pictures, a warning, and an enter and leave button. I came to this page and had to look for the link to the tour; It was obvious to me (but it's early in the morning and I'm a bit slow in the morning). Make it clear where the tour is. A good exmple is the Lightspeed Cash tours - See how the buttons stand out? http://www.jordancapri.com/
2) The site design itself is pretty good. Simple yet looks professional, which I think is the best way to come across. The only thing I can complain here is that I think you should have a border around the pictures of the girls.
3) The quality of the girls is pretty damn good, which is nice to see. However, I question Loli Feder and Louise Glover. Those are just not flattering pictures. More than any other place you want to put your very best content first.
4) Again, as I mentioned in my first point, you need to have the surfer always one click away from the join page. When I scroll to the bottom of this page http://www.wildcatsworld.com/sexy-babes.asp I'm not seeing a join link. Don't make the surfer look for the link - they should always see it on your page.

Overall this is a good tour. I can see surfers signing up for it, which means I'd push it myself.

Good job man!

Panky 01-31-2006 11:43 AM

Welcum to XNations. http://www.icando4u.com/smile/wave2.gif

I agree with Rochard. (Good post, BTW :) ) One thing I would consider would be to center your pages. Most everything is left justified but one one of the pages, you have text centered and it makes the page look out of line. ( http://www.wildcatsworld.com/sexy-babes.asp )

I like the tour. You did a good job. I would just polish it just a little bit and you'll be good to go.

war_ner 02-01-2006 12:47 AM

Welcome to the board. Nice looking tour page dude. The peek section looks cool! :)

Wildcats 02-08-2006 09:20 AM

thanks for the replies

Stephane76 02-08-2006 09:52 AM

Nice to have you here.
Good looking site you got there :)

wildgirl 02-11-2006 02:32 AM

Great looking site...glad to have you here

Wildcats 02-15-2006 11:41 AM

updated:: Opinions and comment would be nice.


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