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llaurell 01-31-2006 05:59 PM

FlyntDigital Announces Launch of BARELY LEGAL LIVEŽ
Hi everybody…

We at FlyntDigital.com are excited to announce the premiere of Barely Legal LiveŽ, a new live video chat site featuring the freshest Hustler teens. Affiliates can snag major green as surfers get acquainted with these HUSTLER Honeys-in-training in free chat rooms, before taking them to pay areas for explicit, 1-on-1 action.

Viewers enjoy a diverse crowd of young HUSTLER beauties, available 24 hours a day. This brand new service provides HUSTLER consumers their supreme fantasy: to chat, interact and command the favorite HUSTLER teen--in real time.

Fans can also join the exclusive BARELY LEGAL LIVEŽ VIP site, enabling them to view live webcasts and enjoy huge archives of previous HustlerLive.com and BarelyLegalLive.com feature shows. BARELY LEGAL LIVEŽ VIP archives include blockbuster shows featuring HUSTLER favorites Jessica Jaymes, Kelly Kline, Penny Flame, Charlie Laine and many more.

Webmasters can earn up to 35% while promoting exclusive shows on BarelyLegalLive.com, especially our February event, featuring sexy adult starlets Celeste Star and Mackenzie Mack in a true HUSTLER-style event. Various banner sizes will be available for Webmasters to link from their free sites, membership sites and splash pages. Go to www.FlyntDigital.com and grab promo tools that convert.

Maximize revenues now by contacting sales@flyntdigital.com.

Cheers! :)


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