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Fatal Attraction 02-03-2006 10:58 PM

Omg, I think this is soooo wrong!
omg! something is soooo not right about this! A friend hits me up today with a new icq and tells me he's no longer with the same company and wanted to be sure we kept in contact. And that I was one of the few #'s he insisted on taking with him. When I went to hit up someone else tonight, his old icq came up.....I said I was surprised to see him online. Whoever this is says, what do you mean? I said I thought you changed icq's. they are asking me for what number they gave me, that he has several icq's and doesn't remember! I know this isn't my friend, I think this is complete bullshit for the old company to be doing this shit! I'd love to tell whoever this person is totally off, but I'm not. I'm just ignoring him and his several requests for the new number I have and of course told my friend about it. Just pisses me off!

cdsmith 02-03-2006 11:59 PM

When I left my old job with a local ISP back at the end of '98 I made sure to uninstall ICQ off my work station there and take my original ICQ account with me. They had no chance to fuck me over like this.

Too bad your friend didn't do the same.

Fatal Attraction 02-04-2006 12:07 AM


Originally posted by cdsmith
When I left my old job with a local ISP back at the end of '98 I made sure to uninstall ICQ off my work station there and take my original ICQ account with me. They had no chance to fuck me over like this.

Too bad your friend didn't do the same.

Yep! I agree, it is too bad! :( I didn't start anything but I did at least just say to whoever it is.....I'm curious, who is this? No response from them at all of course!

Jimmidean 02-04-2006 08:56 AM

That really sucks dont give up the #

war_ner 02-06-2006 01:05 AM

You did the right thing. Yeah, that sucks indeed.

StaceyJo 02-07-2006 12:12 AM

hmmmm, sounds like something wrong is going on...

TheLegacy 02-07-2006 02:16 PM

I work from home so that doesnt matter- but when I was in the office.. my icq required a password everytime I signed up as did my other msg systems

Trouble Tonya 02-07-2006 06:47 PM

That is just WRONG!

war_ner 02-09-2006 03:41 AM

it is wrong indeed!

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