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iceberg 02-22-2006 11:30 AM

Hello XNations, got a question
Hey all...nice looking forum here.
I want to start off with a question.. I think I may have screwed myself my not thinking things through. I'm working on developing a tgp board and sense I never worked with cgi or php before I developed it in asp. Well, the board looks ok to me but now I need scripting to trade traffic:confused: :confused: I think I fu#ked by creating this in asp as I don't know if there's anything compatiable out there. Any suggestions on what I can do?

+ I have this hosted on windows:rolleyes:

MorganGrayson 02-22-2006 12:26 PM

Hello and welcome, iceberg! :)

You might want to try asking your question in the Trades and Galleries forum, where the tgp people all hang out.

Good luck with your new project! :xthumbs:

war_ner 02-23-2006 02:40 AM

Welcome to Xnations and Good luck. :D

StaceyJo 02-23-2006 03:31 AM

Welcome to Xnations iceberg, glad you're here!


Panky 02-23-2006 09:08 AM

Why didn't you just use VBulletin for the board?

wildgirl 02-25-2006 11:29 AM

Welcome to Xnations...enjoy your stay :)

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