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The actual "moving" part is finished.
On Sunday, my husband brought the absolutely last load of items from the old house to the new one. That night, we split a bottle of champagne. It was impossibly romantic.
What amazes me is that two exhausted people in extreme physical pain, surrounded by mountains of packing boxes could manage to get the cork out of the bottle, much less sip romantically. We estimate being fully unpacked in March. Of 2008. I was 18 years younger the last time I moved. Like most people, I feel as if I did not truly appreciate my youth or how fleeting it would be. Gevalia's French Roast with a splash of Baileys Irish Cream makes me introspective.... |
Bailey's and french roast is such a perfect combo. Enjoy and best of luck on your new house.
ahhhhh, thats so sweet....
Hope for the best on your new house... and hopefully we could see pics! *thumbs up* |
I am in the process of moving as well, not as romantic as yours tho ... :(
Congrats on the move Morgan! I need pics:)
Well Morgan you're finally fully into the new place. Congrats!
Now at least you can unpack at your leisure for awhile. Enjoy your new place! |
that's awsome Morgan, congrats on the move and I hope you have many many many happy years in your new place =)
It's a guy thing, apparently. He's been saying "we can take our time unpacking" and "we have the rest of our lives to get it perfect." (The last intended to be romantic; the first intended to be comforting.) Both remarks make me want to scream until my eyeballs bleed. I want it done and I want it done NOW. I don't want to take three days to find the Band Aids and medicinal cream for my sliced thumb ever again. I want the rest of my clothing out of the suitcase that is way too heavy for me to lift by myself. I want to know where in the absolute hell my makeup went. In the beginning - ages ago, when I was still organized and could breathe - I carefully itemized the contents of every box on the lid with a big red Sharpie. Even *I* couldn't maintain that level of anally retentive organization, however...and ended up with over a dozen boxes that all say "misc." on the lids. "Misc." WHAT?!?!?!?! *sigh* I hate moving. I absolutely hate, loathe and despise moving. The mail is being forwarded now...so I guess it's safe to finally say "I have moved." |
Congrats on the move Morgan :)
Happy to hear it's all over and done with! I HATE moving too it's a bitch! So you feel at home already? :)
I just write on the box which room it goes into, helps A LOT when searching for something. Also makes it easy when unloading the bozes from the truck. Then you dont get that "mountain of packing boxes" in the living room cause you know which room they go in....lol
Don...it's easy to see you've never moved with my husband. *sigh* He got the idea "put everything in the living room and we can move it to where it goes later." (He's a lovely man, really he is, which is why I haven't bludgeoned him senseless.) I hate the "I'm the General" feeling I get when I'm put in charge of organization, so I didn't start sniping at people saying "put the damned box where it goes, willya?!?!?!" (When one is in chronic pain, "please" gets replaced with "do it now, fucker!" rather rapidly, sad to say.) However, unless I am carted off to one of those sad hospitals they stick the aged, this will be my home for the rest of my life, so I have lots of time to make it perfect. (To put it another way - we are NEVER moving AGAIN.) |
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