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-=HUNGRYMAN=- 01-05-2003 03:51 AM

Keyboard Warriorism - When is enough really enough ??
My question is this ... What is with the ever-increasing amount of violence on webmaster boards, and exactly how far is it going to go ??? How long do we have until one of our colleagues is serving time for unrational acts agtainst another one of our own ???

My case in point is this post on another board ( http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showth...27#post1222427 ). Yes I am the victim of the threat, and knowing this individual personally, I have reason to believe that he may very well be crazy enough to try to make good on this threat.

I recall the incident at YNOT last year when Tom Blanchard made verbal threats in a public forum, and Otto (Owner of YNOT , as well as YNOT legal counsel) was quite concerned about it ...

If anybody with anything constructive to say cares to comment on this situation, please do relpy. Like I said I am taking these threats VERY seriously at this moment, knowing the individual in question ...

I do not have an address where he is living, so please do not say put a restraining order on him ... and I am not sure what kind of greif the police would give me, when they find out that the forum in question is a BBS for people working in the porn industry ?

Any and all advice is welcome.
BTW ... Happy New Year to all here at XNATIONS !! =)

Bobby Vicious 01-05-2003 04:22 AM

I don't know this individual but you do. Do you really think he would make an attempt at your life after a post like that? If he was smart I don't think he would. He's prolly really pissed and would like to kick your ass , death threats are common but rarely followed up. If he really wanted to stab you in the heart I don't think you would read about it first on a BBS. I wouldn't worry real thugs don't work like that, but watch your back he may try and sucker punch you like a little girl. If it were me I would arm myself just to be safe. Now get some sleep dude.

Mister X 01-06-2003 12:38 AM

I really don't know what's going on on some of the boards these days. It seems that a lot of fairly high profile guys in the biz are raising all kinds of hell and playing the flame game. I mean these guys own their own programs and they come on and act like 5 year olds and brag about how much cash they make and tell everyone to fuck off. I think maybe some guys' businesses aren't doing as well as they pretend or something!

-=HUNGRYMAN=- 01-06-2003 12:40 AM


Originally posted by Mister X
I really don't know what's going on on some of the boards these days. It seems that a lot of fairly high profile guys in the biz are raising all kinds of hell and playing the flame game. I mean these guys own their own programs and they come on and act like 5 year olds and brag about how much cash they make and tell everyone to fuck off. I think maybe some guys' businesses aren't doing as well as they pretend or something!

I've been speculating that for 2 years now ... :bonk:

Magnus3x 01-06-2003 02:34 AM

I've noticed the same on various boards and this is my take:

1. A board is a board is a board...unless a threat is made to my face I could fucking care less.

2. If it's a legal issue.. I want "papers" served with a stamp not an e-mail!

3. You never know who you are dealing with and that works both ways..if you're the pisser or the pissee.

4. Everyone is pretty tough, brave and witty in front of the screen.. for some reason face to face meetings are never the same.

Peace FROG!:hippy:

ARiA 01-06-2003 10:23 AM


Originally posted by Magnus3x
I've noticed the same on various boards and this is my take:

1. A board is a board is a board...unless a threat is made to my face I could fucking care less.

2. If it's a legal issue.. I want "papers" served with a stamp not an e-mail!

3. You never know who you are dealing with and that works both ways..if you're the pisser or the pissee.

4. Everyone is pretty tough, brave and witty in front of the screen.. for some reason face to face meetings are never the same.

Peace FROG!:hippy:

let that guy vent, rant and rave all he wants.. but no need to fuel his fire.
whatever it may be- let it be.
you are way too cool and good of a person to let that guy bring you to his ridiculous level... MAN I dont miss being in highschool!!!
"I'm gonna kick your ass when we get off the schoolbus... really"

:what: :twisted: :viking:

thechink 01-06-2003 04:10 PM


Originally posted by ARiA
let that guy vent, rant and rave all he wants.. but no need to fuel his fire.
whatever it may be- let it be.
you are way too cool and good of a person to let that guy bring you to his ridiculous level... MAN I dont miss being in highschool!!!
"I'm gonna kick your ass when we get off the schoolbus... really"

:what: :twisted: :viking:

which stop do you get off at?? :blush:

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