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gnat69 02-24-2006 11:57 AM

My Mother is Fucking Cool and this is why!!!

So I call my Mum last night, to tell her that I can't come home this weekend too busy making bath orders. She tells me that she needs to come to the city to go to the Harley Davidson dealership to check out accessories.

Of course I say what for, and are you buying a gift for someone? She says." No, that she needs them for herself".

She has enrolled into Motorcycle classes at Conestoga College for the end of April and she is buying a Harley 1200 Low Sportser, all black and chrome and she is going to get pink butterflies airbrushed all over it....

My mouth dropped to the floor!!! I knew my Mum was cool, but she has just been blowing me out of the water lately....

Here is a pic of the bike she is purchasing...


MorganGrayson 02-24-2006 01:57 PM

Hi, gnat! http://www.porn-sex-adult-xxx.com/smilies/wavey.gif

That is so major cool! http://www.porn-sex-adult-xxx.com/smilies/clapping.gif

My late father-in-law, after living a life programmed by the small Pensylvannia town into which he had been cursed to be born and live...stunned all and one by purchasing a motorcycle and leather jacket. They thought he was insane. One of his daughters got her own bike and went riding with him...thereby closing a gap that had existed between them all their lives. :xthumbs:

Get yourself a cool helmet, gnat, and have Mum swing on by and take you on a run! :)

Trouble Tonya 02-24-2006 05:35 PM

Thats kick ass! Good for your mum;)

blazi 02-24-2006 05:59 PM

that's a nice lookin' bike, will look cool once she gets it airbrushed!!

xxxmalouxxx 02-24-2006 10:54 PM

oh wow.. that's very nice.. your mom is simply amazing with taste in purchasing that stuff!

Vid Vicious 02-25-2006 08:58 AM

Sweet Bike Nat .. My mom would have a heart attack if I told her I was buying a bike !

your moms cool

wildgirl 02-26-2006 10:39 AM

that's really nice...good for your mom :)

Funbrunette 02-26-2006 06:31 PM

Damn! That is COOL! :respect:

StaceyJo 02-27-2006 02:21 AM

wow, that is damn so cool...

your mom rocks!

war_ner 02-27-2006 02:59 AM

Oh my! Wait til your mom called you up and tell you she enrolled on a sky diving class..

gnat69 02-27-2006 10:53 AM


Originally posted by MorganGrayson
Hi, gnat! http://www.porn-sex-adult-xxx.com/smilies/wavey.gif

That is so major cool! http://www.porn-sex-adult-xxx.com/smilies/clapping.gif

My late father-in-law, after living a life programmed by the small Pensylvannia town into which he had been cursed to be born and live...stunned all and one by purchasing a motorcycle and leather jacket. They thought he was insane. One of his daughters got her own bike and went riding with him...thereby closing a gap that had existed between them all their lives. :xthumbs:

Get yourself a cool helmet, gnat, and have Mum swing on by and take you on a run! :)

Oh yeah, I am already trying to figure what custom paint I want for my helmut...:D

gnat69 02-27-2006 10:54 AM

LOL...Skydiving....I think that may be next, but lately I guess I should not be surprised by anything she does....

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