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-   -   New strange way to cut the green. Any clues? (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=14311)

zynaps 02-26-2006 04:07 AM

New strange way to cut the green. Any clues?
We set up a new service at work. It wasn't made exclusively for the adult, but it does fit the adult a lot.

In brief the key sense is the following. The surfer enters the web-site, sees an image and sends it to one's cell via SMS through our service. The site owner gets the percentage of the SMS cost (it depends from the country, but usually is 25 eurocents per SMS for most countries). Surfer’s phone is billed by mobile operator directly.

To my mind it is the very special for TGP and other link-lists. The most valuable point is that the site owner has to do nothing. As soon as special short html-code will be placed under each image, the service keeps an autonomous work.

We've got some friendly site :) 70-80 SMS per day is easy. We'll see how it works further, but 20 bucks a day come from nowhere… Cute :) But its hentai.

In short it is very striking (and may be strange?) partnership offer. Any comments?

You may address any questions in ICQ 3964640 or iv@2mobile.com.


P.S: www.pic2mobile.ru/demo and www.pic2mobile.com/partner.

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