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TheAdultBroker 03-01-2006 06:23 PM

ObjectCube releases Version 6
Toronto, Canada : Objectcube today announced Version 6 of their Download Manager which allows users to download large movies on the net at a lot higher speed then what is allowed by the browsers, up to 1000% faster!

Download Manager Software was especially designed to fix the issues of downloading very large files. The web browsers were not designed to handle large download files over the internet such as movie file sizes of 500 MB.

“We are very, very pleased with the new version and all it offers our clients.” Says Jay Janarthanan, CTO for Objectcube. “We have accomplished the fastest download speeds to date and the ability to offer non-linear services such as restart and pause options makes our new version even better!”

Objectcube Download Manager is used by millions of internet users to download movies over various video on demand provider’s sites. The major 4 functions that are provided by a Download Manager are:

Accelerated downloading: A file can be downloaded a lot faster then what can be done using a browser. The speed improvements can be any where from 50 – 1000% (10 times the current speed of the browser).

Resume broken or failed downloads: when a download fails for network disconnects etc, the Download Manager can restart the download from where it left off saving time, energy and effort.

Schedule downloads for a later time or Pause a download: Downloading large files is a time consuming task. Object Cube’s Version 6 allows you to pause a download if the user wants to work on some other task that needs the internet bandwidth or can schedule the download to happen at a later time, like in the night when the user is no using the computer.

Bandwidth Throttling: The user can setup how much of the available bandwidth the download manager can use.

Currently Objectcube Download Manager is used by major VOD providers in the adult market including AEBN, GameLink, XonAir, TopBucks and others.

About ObjectCube:
ObjectCube (www.objectCube.com) is headquartered in Toronto, Canada, and specializes in providing top-notch secure video distribution solutions that take advantage of commodity hardware and low-cost Internet bandwidth. This provides customers with better pricing and better security. The ObjectCube foundation was built upon its affordable approach to delivering and securing audio and video via the Internet and, by keeping abreast of the rapidly evolving technology trends and developments, ObjectCube works hand-in-hand with partner companies and clients to best determine how their DRM and VOD technology can continue to set them apart from their competitors.
Objectcube strictly concentrates on the adult internet market place and objectcube software powers 95% of the adult VOD sites on the net.
For further information please contact: ObjectCube www.objectcube.com 1 Yonge Street, Suite 1801 Toronto, Ontario, M5E 1W7 Phone: 1-213-947-1154 FAX: 1-213-947-1187 Email: pr@objectcube.com

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