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MorganGrayson 03-02-2006 12:26 AM

XNations pets time again!
I was so taken with little Lloyd's dog that I thought it was time to see more XNation's pet pics! New pets or new pics of our "regulars" would be lovely!

I managed to get Dingo to stare *at* the camera, effectively making her eyes weird from the flash, but at least I caught her. She's got one foot up, like she does a lot, for reasons I can't explain.


I also found a pic of our cat Samba under the Christmas tree. The dark lump beside him is his sister, Reno, sound asleep under the tree as she often was. Samba was apparently watching something on television, as he is in possession of the remotes. :)


Except for the difference in color, Samba and Reno have nearly identical markings. Mattie, their mother, is a grey calico.

blazi 03-02-2006 12:44 AM

Cute pics Morgan! I don't have any pets but I love these threads :)

war_ner 03-02-2006 04:16 AM

Hahaha, cute cat there Morgan! :)

MorganGrayson 03-02-2006 12:30 PM


Originally posted by war_ner
Hahaha, cute cat there Morgan! :)
Thank you, war_ner! Samba has been working on how to rough-house with Dingo since we got her. The poor cat keeps throwing an arm over the dog and staring intently at the back of her neck, a puzzled look on his face. See, if Dingo had been a cat, there would be a furry, bitable area there that is perfect for "cat wrestling." However, Dingo has no such area and Samba is confused. (How he knows biting the little dog in the back of the neck is a bad thing I know not.) Finally, Samba landed on wrapping both his arms around the dog and flipping in midair, landing on his back with the dog on top of him. Dingo *loves* it! Now she can chase Samba through the house; he can chase her; and they can actually catch each other now. :)

Reno is willing to play "chase me, chase me" but NOT "catch me, catch me."

One would have to be a pure fool to chase Mattie.

Stephane76 03-02-2006 03:09 PM

JET my 6 yo baby


:D :D :D :D :D

and his Best friend DIESEL


StaceyJo 03-03-2006 02:16 AM

hmmm I so jealous with you guys...

I havent got my dog yet... I want to have a pet this days... I miss lovely (my first dog just died last year) :(

war_ner 03-03-2006 02:54 AM


Originally posted by stacey_JRN
hmmm I so jealous with you guys...

I havent got my dog yet... I want to have a pet this days... I miss lovely (my first dog just died last year) :(

That's sad girl. Ever thought of buying yourself a new dog?

MorganGrayson 03-03-2006 03:20 PM

Stephane76...My youngest has a cat named "Diesel," so named because the tiny bit of fluff of a kitten had a purr that rattled the windows. He grew up to be bigger than your dog. Diesel is currently attempting to put out a contract on my daughter's boyfriend. He is very, very jealous. His sister Sass, on the other hand, has a crush on the boyfriend, which causes some sibling feline friction in the form of two extremely large cats going at it. Sad to say, "Big D" is a lover not a fighter and his sister kicks his ass - and we had to have her declawed for doing that. She can still curl up those soft paws and punch like Rocky, though.

stacey...I am so very sorry, and I understand. I had to have my cherished Darla put down. The pain will never go away. It took years before I could even contemplate another dog. When the "dog yearnings" began to come back...I didn't do anything. My Dingo sort of appeared in my life. I firmly believe it was because I was ready to have another dog and so was my husband. Dingo is the perfect dog: adores us, adores the cats, is smaller than all the cats and could never hurt them, either deliberately or accidentally.

stacey...people who just "own" dogs can always go out and get another. People who "love" dogs, who have dogs as members of their families and as their best friends, have to go through the same grieving process they'd go through if they lost a human love. When the time is right for you, the dog will appear. Maybe a puppy in a box in front of the grocery store; maybe the day you wake up and find your feet leading you to the animal shelter for some reason; maybe a friend says "I rescued this abused animal." It will happen for you, stacey. Your new dog is out there somewhere and you'll find each other.

Virgule3 03-03-2006 04:05 PM

Awwwww! I am an animal lover and I am a sucker for cute pics too!

I have five pets. Yup, you read right... lol! Here's the gang:

Here is Whippet, my adorable little Whippet. Yeah, I know... the name of his breed is his name... lol!


Here is Astro the greyhound, an ex-racer from a racetrack near boston:


Here is Doudou, another rescue. Can you believe that this gorgeous Himalayan was left at the SPCA???


Here is The Girl. She is a little bitch but oh so cute!


And last but not least, The Boy. A sweet, fat, gutter cat who loves to cuddle with anything warm... Dog, furnace, human, name it... Oh, and I'm the one holding him! But it's a BAD picture of me! lol!



xxxmalouxxx 03-04-2006 03:01 AM

them nice pics..

MorganGrayson 03-05-2006 02:12 PM

Sophie...those are *fantastic* pics! I have a few really nice black and white pics of my pets, carefully printed out and in a file waiting for simple black frames, that were taken by a friend of my youngest during her photography class period.

Your cat "The Girl" looks like my Reno. She has similar markings and bright green eyes. She also talks all the time. She's one of those "pay attention to me and pay attention to me NOW!" cats. :)

Virgule3 03-05-2006 04:51 PM

Thanks. As I said in my introduction, I have been doing photography for around 20 years and since not many people wanna pose for me (most are too shy!) I take pics of my pets, tons and tons of them! So I have a couple good ones... hihi!



P.S.: You should take the time to frame yours!

MorganGrayson 03-06-2006 04:26 PM

Yesterday was the birthday of two of my "grandkitties," Diesel and Sass. It's hard to believe that they're 7 years old now. My daughters had a birthday party for them, and sent me a pic of all 6 of their cats hosing down the birthday goodies!


From left to right:
Xaos (pronounced "Chaos"), Meera, Diesel, Sass, Keylala, Yzma

All of my "grandkitties" are rescues except for Diesel and his sister Sass, who were kittens of a cat owned by one of my daughter's high school teachers. :)

Virgule3 03-06-2006 08:54 PM

That picture is way too cute for words!!!!!


war_ner 03-06-2006 11:49 PM

Oh my, cute cats! :D

MorganGrayson 03-07-2006 12:29 PM

We're definitely "cat people," especially "rescure cat people." :)

One of my daughters says "I'm blaming YOU for this, Mom! You had to raise us to be responsible!" (We tend to keep and raise whatever shows up, instead of taking anything to the pound.)

Little Keylala simply walked in the door one day at the old apartment. The management decided they were "going condo" and instituted a "no pets" policy. That caused some scum of the planet humans to simply toss their pets out the front door. The kitten was smart enough to haul her tiny butt up a flight of stairs to my daughters' apartment. (They still don't know 1. how she managed to do that and 2. how she knew she'd end up with a pampered life if she did.)

Yzma is the cat rescued from the same people that had my little dog Dingo.

Xaos has no tail. It had to be amputated. Every bone in that poor cat's tail had been broken - something that really couldn't happen by accident.

Poor Meera is what happens when cousins marry. They frequently have to make her stop staring at the sun.

Also among their very large animal brood is a rabbit. The rabbit and Keylala are the best of pals and like to chase each other and wrestle all over the apartment.

My son-in-law wants a lizard. Stay tuned for further developments....

gnat69 03-07-2006 12:57 PM

Here are mine:





MorganGrayson 03-07-2006 02:23 PM

gnat...oh, how gorgeous! :)
You have a green-eyed beauty, too! (My Reno has green eyes.)
I *love* the facial expression on Pantera!! That's a feline that's not only up to something but will most likely succeed! :D

gnat69 03-07-2006 03:00 PM


Originally posted by MorganGrayson
gnat...oh, how gorgeous! :)
You have a green-eyed beauty, too! (My Reno has green eyes.)
I *love* the facial expression on Pantera!! That's a feline that's not only up to something but will most likely succeed! :D

LMAO, you know Pantera very well, he is one bad kitty....and I will tell you something really funny (kinda sorta)

I call Pantera, Karen sometimes.....LOL

he is a puke machine, why I don't know, but nickname him after Karen Carpenter...I know that is really tasteless....sorry

I didn't realize you had so many, very cool :D

Bhelliom 03-07-2006 05:29 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Does my girlfriend count as a pet?

here's my little guy Drake... not a great pic... and really old... but he's awesome.. i'll take new ones when i'm back up north and post a better one

war_ner 03-08-2006 01:10 AM


Originally posted by Bhelliom
Does my girlfriend count as a pet?

here's my little guy Drake... not a great pic... and really old... but he's awesome.. i'll take new ones when i'm back up north and post a better one

Is she blue or it's just the light?

Bhelliom 03-08-2006 11:03 AM

It's just the light. He's more of a brown and grey. at the time that pic was taken I had a fluorescent that I didn't like as it cast a lot of blue color

gnat69 03-08-2006 12:05 PM


Originally posted by Globule
Thanks. As I said in my introduction, I have been doing photography for around 20 years and since not many people wanna pose for me (most are too shy!) I take pics of my pets, tons and tons of them! So I have a couple good ones... hihi!



P.S.: You should take the time to frame yours!

Beautiful photos and even more beautiful companions....Love it...need to learn some photog from ya

MorganGrayson 03-08-2006 12:46 PM

gnat...I have four cats and a dog. My two youngest, who share an apartment, have six cats, a rabbit, various rodents and fish...and my son-in-law wants a lizard. (My daughter just found a vegetarian lizard, and that was one of *her* "lizard criteria.") My oldest daughter has a huge German Shepherd and a rabbit.

Some people have grand "children." I have grand "pets." :)

wildgirl 03-09-2006 06:27 PM

cute pets...nice pics :)

Virgule3 03-09-2006 10:41 PM


Originally posted by gnat69
Beautiful photos and even more beautiful companions....Love it...need to learn some photog from ya
Thanks. :)

And I'd love to teach you a few tricks! Actually, I'm trying to organize this thing in Montreal and if you want to come, you'd be more than welcome!


P.S.: See my other post to find out what I'm trying to organize...

Anthony 03-09-2006 11:20 PM

My Pup, that I ended giving to my sister... The bitch.

Her name is Jezebel. I was thinking of an old 80's band when I named her, "Gene Loves Jezebel". One of Nick's fave boy bands from the 80's as well.


Nickatilynx 03-09-2006 11:53 PM

"Gene Loves Jezebel".

Seriously never heard of them.

Don't think they made it over to the UK.......

Anthony 03-10-2006 12:57 AM


Originally posted by Nickatilynx
"Gene Loves Jezebel".

Seriously never heard of them.

Don't think they made it over to the UK.......


Oh Sugar, you know I'm missing you...

and I've been wondering, where is your heart hiding?


Imagine me doing the carlton to that!

What you get is what you see, Desire!

Anthony 03-10-2006 01:17 AM

Desire - Gene Loves Jezebel

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/lOO2HzGuQfw"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/lOO2HzGuQfw" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

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