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LAJ 03-06-2006 05:05 PM

Fantasy Baseball!
OK Baseball fans... I've got a fantasy league going on Yahoo for the third straight year. If you love the game and understand how a rotisserie league works, jump in and sign up! Semi serious to serious managers only please as the minimum committment to something like this would require at least an hour per week for player management. (Or an hour a day minimum if you truly have no life ;))

No prizes or anything... just comraderie, trash talking and bragging rights. There is room in the league for 12 managers, and your stats cover 16 categories. Draft day is Tuesday March 14 at 8:30pm est / 5:30pm pst. If you really want to get into the league but aren't 100% sure how to do it, please hit me up at jay@ynot.com or icq 92418228 and I'll be happy to help you out.

Log in to your Yahoo account (you obviously need to have one) and go to http://baseball.fantasysports.yahoo....ter/joinleague ... click "join a custom league" ... League ID is 91323 password is iloveporn69

Hope to see you there!

war_ner 03-06-2006 11:51 PM

I'll check on that man. Thanks. :)

Evil Chris 03-07-2006 09:46 AM

I'm out this year Jay.
I got smoked last year thanks to Bonds not playing.

Good luck to everyone!

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