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Funbrunette 03-08-2006 11:18 AM

Happy Women's day ladies of Xnations!
HAPPY women's day! :respect:

A brief history

International Women's Day (IWD) is marked on 8 March every year. It is a major day of global celebration for the economic, political and social achievements of women. The first IWD was observed on 28 February 1909 in the United States following a declaration by the Socialist Party of America. Among other relevant historic events, it commemorates the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire (New York, 1911), where over 140 women lost their lives. The idea of having an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions.


Bhelliom 03-08-2006 11:26 AM

Women do more than pose for pictures?

I'm kidding... I didn't know there was a womens day... but now that I do i'll try not to be a complete asshole to my girl today.

When is the international Men's day?

gnat69 03-08-2006 12:01 PM


MorganGrayson 03-08-2006 12:49 PM

*tweaking Bhelliom*
I love it when a man just voluntarily skates out onto thin ice.... :p

Happy International Woman's Day, one and all! http://www.porn-sex-adult-xxx.com/smilies/wavey.gif

Bhelliom 03-08-2006 12:50 PM

I'm nothing if not an easy target.

MorganGrayson 03-08-2006 01:02 PM


Originally posted by Bhelliom
I'm nothing if not an easy target.
The fact that you are easy, my stud puppy, is one of the things I adore about you the most! http://www.porn-sex-adult-xxx.com/smilies/hearts.gif

Cathedra 03-08-2006 02:57 PM

Woohoo! Yay for the ladies of the world!!


xxxmalouxxx 03-08-2006 10:31 PM

whoa!... nice nice

viva mujer!

Gruntled 03-08-2006 11:03 PM

Happy Women's day! Woo!

Panky 03-08-2006 11:46 PM


Originally posted by MorganGrayson
The fact that you are easy, my stud puppy, is one of the things I adore about you the most! http://www.porn-sex-adult-xxx.com/smilies/hearts.gif
Easy is good, but every now and then, one needs a bit of a challenge to keep from getting bored. ;)

Trouble Tonya 03-09-2006 10:52 AM

Happy (belated) Women's day everyone!

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