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ARiA 01-07-2003 02:29 PM

hmmm.. quick question
dont have a goth catagory.. we have every kind of fetish but not any good goth style niche content- I dont see much around either, is there any market for it? or am I the only one who thinks it's cool :confused:
another thing I think is very cool is bodypainting
I guess my question is, would it be worth my while to search around for some content of that kind.. does anyone like it/use it

curious to see what you all think of the niche/s
any commentary is welcome

Magnus3x 01-07-2003 03:13 PM

There is something for everyone I say.. whether or not it's gonna be a big seller is how and where you sell it, but there is a market for it. I think it gets lumped in with BDSM sometimes because of the dark look and feel and it should'nt be.

Test the waters.. ya never know.

wsjb78 01-07-2003 03:31 PM

Re: hmmm.. quick question

Originally posted by ARiA
I dont see much around either, is there any market for it? or am I the only one who thinks it's cool :confused:
another thing I think is very cool is bodypainting

Hiya sweety, if it's you I'm sure there will be a market... at least you could count me in... :)

I myself haven't seen too much of goth and bodypainting either... but then I think it is also a very small market... however I'm no pro at guessing market sizes...

ARiA 01-07-2003 03:39 PM


Originally posted by Magnus3x
There is something for everyone I say.. whether or not it's gonna be a big seller is how and where you sell it, but there is a market for it. I think it gets lumped in with BDSM sometimes because of the dark look and feel and it should'nt be.

Test the waters.. ya never know.

I am thinking of it on an "being able to offer" level... we DO have some goth-looking content, but I agree with you, it should be a totally separate catagory all together.. thanks!
I'm on the look-out for anyone who has it.. bodypainting is another catagory I would like to see us have too! that stuff is NEAT:xthumbs:

wsjb78 01-07-2003 04:21 PM


Originally posted by ARiA
Bodypainting is another catagory I would like to see us have too! that stuff is NEAT:xthumbs:
I just have to agree with you... I'd like to see you do it too! :xhappy:

Horg 01-07-2003 06:50 PM

Re: hmmm.. quick question

Originally posted by ARiA
dont have a goth catagory.. we have every kind of fetish but not any good goth style niche content- I dont see much around either, is there any market for it? or am I the only one who thinks it's cool :confused:
another thing I think is very cool is bodypainting
I guess my question is, would it be worth my while to search around for some content of that kind.. does anyone like it/use it

curious to see what you all think of the niche/s
any commentary is welcome

Try http://www.suicidegirls.com maybe ?

Darin 01-07-2003 07:11 PM

Sweetie, talk to Zoe, shes into all that stuff and totally grossed us all out after sushi when she explained with 'mogging' was.. omg!

Anyway, shes a freak like that I think.. hehe I'll probably see her tonight and I'll ask if shes got goth stuff for resale.

I miss you! Get your ass to the show! lol!

-=HUNGRYMAN=- 01-08-2003 06:41 AM

Hey Sweetie !! (elbows Darin) :mad: :rolleyes:

You have CYBERPUNK on your ICQ ... He owns the program Zoe works for ... DARK DOLLARS, and yes they do specialize in goth content.

Talk to him ... I think it is a GREAT idea ... any niche will sell if packaged correctly ...

OK ... who can spam me with "Crack-Addicted Lesbian Midget Nuns" content ?? :D

firehorse 01-08-2003 07:55 AM


Originally posted by -=HUNGRYMAN=-
Hey Sweetie !! (elbows Darin) :mad: :rolleyes:

You have CYBERPUNK on your ICQ ... He owns the program Zoe works for ... DARK DOLLARS, and yes they do specialize in goth content.

Talk to him ... I think it is a GREAT idea ... any niche will sell if packaged correctly ...

OK ... who can spam me with "Crack-Addicted Lesbian Midget Nuns" content ?? :D

Good advice -=HUNGRYMAN=- !

Cyberpunk and SyykBoy run Dark Dollars and between them and Zoe they can definately give you all the advice and kick ass goth content you could ever want!

They rock!!!:D

ARiA 01-08-2003 03:54 PM


Originally posted by firehorse
Good advice -=HUNGRYMAN=- !

Cyberpunk and SyykBoy run Dark Dollars and between them and Zoe they can definately give you all the advice and kick ass goth content you could ever want!

They rock!!!:D

Great! Thanks, I'll will definately talk to hiim- I am all about it :p

Darin, if you see Zoe.. ... ....what the hell is "mogging" ????
this I have got to know ::-|

Panky 01-08-2003 05:35 PM

"OK ... who can spam me with "Crack-Addicted Lesbian Midget Nuns" content ?? "

With or without mustaches? <img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/a0/htongue.gif" width="15" height="15">

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">



BuggyG 01-09-2003 02:48 AM

Re: hmmm.. quick question

Originally posted by ARiA
dont have a goth catagory.. we have every kind of fetish but not any good goth style niche content- I dont see much around either, is there any market for it? or am I the only one who thinks it's cool :confused:
another thing I think is very cool is bodypainting
I guess my question is, would it be worth my while to search around for some content of that kind.. does anyone like it/use it

curious to see what you all think of the niche/s
any commentary is welcome

I know what ya mean. Have seen a couple newsgroups about it and seemed intresting (well curious about it anyways) and some of the pics were really good. Erotic and let ya mind go a bit. Did get my attention. Have never used any of it but am curious about it.

If I could remember which newsgrousp I saw/read i'd tell ya. But for life of me I can't at the moemnt. But I'll try anywayz =)

JMgraphics 01-09-2003 10:29 AM

hmm.....gothic-covered websites.....so sexy.....so dark....hmm, just like dark chocolate....auurghhg......hmmm.....ooo Body-paint...gimme gimme gimme gimme

ARiA 01-09-2003 10:38 AM


Originally posted by JMgraphics
hmm.....gothic-covered websites.....so sexy.....so dark....hmm, just like dark chocolate....auurghhg......hmmm.....ooo Body-paint...gimme gimme gimme gimme
chocolate-covered goth chicks? yummmy! :p

Darin 01-09-2003 06:18 PM

You don't know what mogging is? I'll let Zoe explain it. Um.. yuck!!


ARiA 01-10-2003 09:39 AM


Originally posted by Darin
You don't know what mogging is? I'll let Zoe explain it. Um.. yuck!!


:eek: :what: :nitenite: ::-|

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