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Stephane76 03-09-2006 09:26 AM

Man Hides In Bathrooms, Drinks Boys' Urine
Man Hides In Bathrooms, Drinks Boys' Urine :bonk: :bonk:
Man Previously Convicted Of Rape

UPDATED: 10:04 am EST February 27, 2006

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A Central Ohio man allegedly told police last week that he likes to drink the urine of adolescent boys.

Alan Patton, 54, is in jail after allegedly telling Gahanna, Ohio, police about his affection for urine.

Police said Patton goes to family restaurants and movie theaters and waits for boys in a bathroom stall. Investigators said he shuts off the water to the child-level urinal and puts a cup in the bottom.

"He goes back and retrieves the cup and drinks the urine," Detective Ron Fithen said.

Patton allegedly told police that he leaves the stall after the child leaves.

Fithen interviewed Patton after he was arrested while leaving a movie theater last weekend.

rest of story .... http://www.clickondetroit.com/news/7502034/detail.html

Funbrunette 03-09-2006 09:44 AM

::-| C'est dégueuelasse! OMG!!!! So much for breakfast this morning...lol

Cyndalie 03-09-2006 11:54 AM

Oh Geebus! YIKES!

Talk about the fountain of youth :( EEWW

Bhelliom 03-09-2006 12:00 PM

Way to kill my usually pleasurable morning coffee

Panky 03-09-2006 01:30 PM

Ewww... This guy is creepy.

If he had any counselling for his previous rape conviction and whatever factors contributed to him choosing to indulge the need for kid pee, didn't take.

He served his time, was released, but he can't behave himself, so he should then lose the right to be a part of society. They should just place him in a controlled environment where he's just going to have to be forced to live without kid pee for the rest of his life.

Stephane76 03-09-2006 01:34 PM


Originally posted by Panky
Ewww... This guy is creepy.

If he had any counselling for his previous rape conviction and whatever factors contributed to him choosing to indulge the need for kid pee, didn't take.

He served his time, was released, but he can't behave himself, so he should then lose the right to be a part of society. They should just place him in a controlled environment where he's just going to have to be forced to live without kid pee for the rest of his life.

totally agree, but he can always drink is own !

MorganGrayson 03-09-2006 07:20 PM


Originally posted by Panky
Ewww... This guy is creepy.

If he had any counselling for his previous rape conviction and whatever factors contributed to him choosing to indulge the need for kid pee, didn't take.

He served his time, was released, but he can't behave himself, so he should then lose the right to be a part of society. They should just place him in a controlled environment where he's just going to have to be forced to live without kid pee for the rest of his life.

The article described his previous crime as "rape," which is a term generally only used when the victim is an adult. Generally speaking, sexual predators don't go "backwards," i.e. go from violent crime to nonviolent - albeit disgusting - crime. He obviously qualifies for the lifetime padded cell to keep him out of society. Save the jail cell for the predators who actually lay their hands on children rather than a guy with a paper cup in a toilet. (I've always believed Bubba and Bruno should get their chance at child molesters in the prison shower and provide fit punishment.)

Just one opinion.

Nickatilynx 03-09-2006 07:34 PM

Thats taking the piss...

Funbrunette 03-09-2006 08:20 PM


Originally posted by Nickatilynx
Thats taking the piss...
I guess it's nothing next to talking shit!!! :rofl:

Cold_ice 03-09-2006 09:36 PM


Originally posted by Panky
Ewww... This guy is creepy.

If he had any counselling for his previous rape conviction and whatever factors contributed to him choosing to indulge the need for kid pee, didn't take.

He served his time, was released, but he can't behave himself, so he should then lose the right to be a part of society. They should just place him in a controlled environment where he's just going to have to be forced to live without kid pee for the rest of his life.

I agree, kill the fucker and not worry about him hurting any kids.

BuggyG 03-09-2006 10:12 PM

hmmm.. I'm in the mood for lemonade suddenly

gunner 03-09-2006 10:53 PM

you're all surprised by this????

who do you think are the members of all the piss fetish sites. So maybe they like girl's piss instead of boys, still just as disgusting IMO.

Panky 03-09-2006 10:56 PM

It's one thing to join a paysite because you have a pee fetish, it's another to lurk in public bathrooms collecting pee.

gunner 03-09-2006 11:04 PM


Originally posted by Panky
It's one thing to join a paysite because you have a pee fetish, it's another to lurk in public bathrooms collecting pee.
it's the slippery slope.
today he joins a piss fetish website.... once that doesn't do it for him anymore, he's hiding in bathrooms.

Point is, we don't like to think about it, but there are a ton of paysite members, free site surfers, and overall adult Internet 'users' who are child predators, convicted rapists, etc.

MorganGrayson 03-10-2006 12:05 PM


Originally posted by gunner
it's the slippery slope.
today he joins a piss fetish website.... once that doesn't do it for him anymore, he's hiding in bathrooms.

Point is, we don't like to think about it, but there are a ton of paysite members, free site surfers, and overall adult Internet 'users' who are child predators, convicted rapists, etc.

That's the logic the anti-porn crusaders use, that porn has some kind of causal effect on the behavior. However, statistically I'm certain, people who look at porn sites don't actually do anything other than look at porn sites. (Some of us manage to actually build the things and only look at the content long enough to categorize it and never look at it again.)

What's scarier is that the guy behind you in line at the movies is a predator, either convicted and registered or not. The guy behind the counter at the movies selling you your popcorn, the same.

Frankly, this guy needs to be studied by professionals. He went from violent to nonviolent crime, which is nearly unheard of. Usually perverts escalate when they change.

Bhelliom 03-10-2006 02:51 PM

Perhaps the violence wasn't [part of it for him.... the escalation in the severity of the crime could be as a result of his building interest in younger and younger children.

"rape" doens't mean much in this context unfortunately, there is no indication of who the victim was, he may have begun previous to the rape and gave it to an 18 yo... hence no use of the word molestation but rape instead... and when he found he wasn't satisfied with someone that old he "escalated" his crime and started to look at younger and younger boys.

MorganGrayson 03-10-2006 03:26 PM


Originally posted by Bhelliom
Perhaps the violence wasn't [part of it for him.... the escalation in the severity of the crime could be as a result of his building interest in younger and younger children.

"rape" doens't mean much in this context unfortunately, there is no indication of who the victim was, he may have begun previous to the rape and gave it to an 18 yo... hence no use of the word molestation but rape instead... and when he found he wasn't satisfied with someone that old he "escalated" his crime and started to look at younger and younger boys.

"Escalation" in this context means an increase in the severity of the *violence*...i.e. peepers becoming housebreakers becoming molesters becoming rapists.

The pee thing may be disgusting but it is nonviolent.

No matter how they are defining "rape," it involved physical contact. Statutory rape involves a willing yet underage participant. Rape is sex by force. What he is doing now involves no physical contact with anyone.

The guy is a total head case who needs to be confined in a mental institution and handed over to a qualified psychiatrist, both for treatment and for study.

Bhelliom 03-10-2006 03:32 PM

I agree wholeheartedly in that one... he does need to be seriously looked at.

All I meant was that there are different ways for things to get worse and worse.. and developing a taste for younger and younger children is one of them.

Quagmire 03-10-2006 04:09 PM

Thats just so fucking gross.

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