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Bhelliom 03-09-2006 11:47 AM

Gun Crime.... Medical wave of the future.
Gunshots from robbery help doctors uncover California man's tumour

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (AP) - They may be the gunshots that save Donald Batsch's life.

The market owner was being treated for two gunshots in the arm and abdomen suffered during a robbery when doctors discovered a tumour.

"It was like an act of God that he shot me," Batsch said Tuesday.

Batsch, 54, was shot in the arm and abdomen during a robbery Feb. 16 at his Chester Lane Market. He fully recovered from the wounds, but doctors found the tumour.

He was still waiting to hear whether the growth is cancerous.

The robbery was caught on tape, but police have not arrested anyone.

See? all you anti gun people..... they really do save lives.

Evil Chris 03-09-2006 02:48 PM

That's freaky... but not the kind of thing that would make me run out and buy a gun.

I need a pellet gun for the skunks around here in the summertime.
Bathing your dog in tomato juice does NOT work!

Bhelliom 03-09-2006 02:50 PM

Personally i'm not a fan of guns.... Probably cause i'm not american

but good story

Evil Chris 03-09-2006 04:16 PM


Originally posted by Bhelliom
Personally i'm not a fan of guns.... Probably cause i'm not american

but good story

I was in the military for 15 years and shot all types of weapons. From 9mm handguns to an M72 rocket launcher (which was very cool)...

But to own one in private life doesn't interest me much either.

Anthony 03-09-2006 04:20 PM

I spent between 20 grand easy on guns last year, owning, shooting, accessories, etc...

Evil Chris 03-09-2006 04:23 PM


Originally posted by Anthony
I spent between 20 grand easy on guns last year, owning, shooting, accessories, etc...
and I'm sure you're a responsible gun owner, Ant.

There are way too many who aren't though...

Anthony 03-09-2006 04:28 PM

I'd like to think I am, but when the Hurricane hit and we had no power, I was roaming Serge's house with my AR15 looking to shoot someone. :)

Bhelliom 03-09-2006 04:37 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
I was in the military for 15 years and shot all types of weapons. From 9mm handguns to an M72 rocket launcher (which was very cool)...

But to own one in private life doesn't interest me much either.

I agree... I did 4 myself in the reserves and fired all of that which was fun... but to own it.... not so much

Serge 03-09-2006 04:37 PM

Guns dont kill people , Anthony kills people..


Anthony 03-09-2006 04:39 PM


Originally posted by Serge
Guns dont kill people , Anthony kills people..


Hermano! :) Why are you posting on vacation?!

Funbrunette 03-09-2006 04:45 PM


Originally posted by Serge
Guns dont kill people , Anthony kills people..


Hey look what the cat dragged in! Welcome hun! :p

MorganGrayson 03-09-2006 06:19 PM

Hi, Serge! http://www.porn-sex-adult-xxx.com/smilies/wavey.gif

I've been a staunch anti-handgun ownership since the night I almost shot my husband. He was working one of those wierd schedules, and I thought he wasn't home and someone had broken into the house. I had my hand on the gun, which was on the top shelf of the closet, when he cleared his throat and I recognized the sound. I took my hand away, got back into bed, and shook for a long time.

And, yes, the case can be made that if it *had* been a drug seeking wacko going through my medicine cabinit, the gun may have saved both mine and my two young daughter's lives. I prefer not to think about that...which gun owners will no doubt tell me is a nice "head in the sand" approach to reality...which is...I'm going to go make coffee now....


Amazing story, though, Bhelliom, and thank you. :)

war_ner 03-10-2006 02:06 AM


Indeed, that's a blessing in disguise.

Shane 03-10-2006 02:39 AM

After working for several years at alarm monotoring companies, I have to say I am no fan of guns.
The vast majority of calls we had that were gun related wer accidental shootings where the gun belonged to the home owners.
We have one in the house (so not my idea), since my husband comes from a family of gun owners. However it's locked away in a gun box and the keys are hidden away where only we could find them.
I've only pulled it out of the box once. We lived in a really, really bad neighborhood and my hubby was away on biz. I heard shots out in my backyard and went for the gun then called the cops. I was up all night with visions of what could have happened running in my head all night. Guns just freak me out.

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