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Vid Vicious 03-14-2006 09:47 AM

Got a big weekend .. need to prepare
Got a big weekend coming up. A couple of girls have asked me to keep sat. and sun. open for a wild threesome weekend.. With all this talk of cleansing and wieght training .. I am starting to feel a bit sluggish ..

What do you people do to prepare yourself for a sex marathon ? ... I wonder if goin to the gym woiuld be a little too late... As I'll probably be in Pain by the weekend from working out too much ... Really I just need to bring up my tolorence level .. to say that of a 10 year old choir boy

Evil Chris 03-14-2006 10:28 AM

Be like Rocky. Break half a dozen raw eggs into a big glass and down the whole thing.

Sin 03-14-2006 03:29 PM

I've got a big weekend coming up too! :) I'll share the details after :)

Trev 03-14-2006 03:30 PM


Originally posted by Sin
I've got a big weekend coming up too! :) I'll share the details after :)
You can't do that, at least give us a hint :)

Sin 03-14-2006 03:42 PM

Well, I hear there's toilet paper involved... :)

Stephane76 03-14-2006 03:42 PM

i say masturbate the day before and you'll be fine !

Trev 03-14-2006 03:44 PM


Originally posted by Sin
Well, I hear there's toilet paper involved... :)
Damn!!! I hate being on the wrong continent :(


Sin 03-14-2006 04:02 PM


I think Trev wants you to tie him up in toilet paper & do naughty things to him ;) :yowsa:

Trev 03-14-2006 04:05 PM


Originally posted by Sin

I think Trev wants you to tie him up in toilet paper & do naughty things to him ;)

Erm no... he's a nice guy but he's not my type... in fact anyone with danglies isn't my type ;)

Sin 03-14-2006 04:06 PM

Nice backtracking! Its okay though, you can tell us how you really feel :)

Trev 03-14-2006 04:08 PM


Originally posted by Sin
Nice backtracking! Its okay though, you can tell us how you really feel :)
I'm going back to work... you're nasty lol ;)

Sin 03-14-2006 04:11 PM

Awwww, I'm just playful. :) I'm really happy right now. And hyper. (not sure why) I also have a headache.

Newton 03-14-2006 04:12 PM

He can dream :)

Working out harder may actually hinder your performance, so light meals and plenty of water will keep you hydrated. Enjoy the love fest :)

Trev 03-14-2006 04:13 PM


Originally posted by Sin
Awwww, I'm just playful. :) I'm really happy right now. And hyper. (not sure why) I also have a headache.
Hyper and a headache... have you been eating chocolate?

Newton 03-14-2006 04:14 PM


Originally posted by Sin
Awwww, I'm just playful. :) I'm really happy right now. And hyper. (not sure why) I also have a headache.
You need some protein enriched drink :)

Trev 03-14-2006 04:15 PM


Originally posted by Newton
He can dream :)
"He" won't be doing any dreaming about anything like that mate

Newton 03-14-2006 04:16 PM

See I knew you weren't into scat lol

Sin 03-14-2006 04:16 PM


Originally posted by Newton
You need some protein enriched drink :)
Yes, yes I certainly do... have anything at hand? ;)

Sin 03-14-2006 04:17 PM


Originally posted by Trev
Hyper and a headache... have you been eating chocolate?
It has actually been proven that chocolate helps prevent headaches, so no. Although its a good recommendation, I just don't have any chocolate here right now

Newton 03-14-2006 04:20 PM

I could always whip you up a nice zinc enriched smoothie :)

Sin 03-14-2006 04:20 PM

Sounds excellent!

MorganGrayson 03-14-2006 04:22 PM

Sin...a "headache cure" given to me by a tech who was giving me an EEG at the time, who'd been through the whole bit for migraines, said a nurse told *her* to go have a cup of coffee and a couple of aspirin. It's a killer knockout combo for headache relief. I've used it...in fact, just a cup of coffee helps me.

Vid...Newton gave you good advice. Eat light, but healthy, and keep yourself hydrated. Drink lots of fluids, but nothing carbonated. (Gas can be...er...awkward...under your "weekend plans." Unless, of course, the ladies have excellent senses of humor...something which is to be hoped anyway, of course.) :)

Trev 03-14-2006 04:23 PM


Originally posted by Sin
It has actually been proven that chocolate helps prevent headaches, so no. Although its a good recommendation, I just don't have any chocolate here right now
Strange because chocolate gives me migrains :(

Sin 03-14-2006 04:24 PM

I've heard orgasms help headaches too actually... lol

Sin 03-14-2006 04:26 PM


Originally posted by MorganGrayson
Sin...a "headache cure" given to me by a tech who was giving me an EEG at the time, who'd been through the whole bit for migraines, said a nurse told *her* to go have a cup of coffee and a couple of aspirin. It's a killer knockout combo for headache relief. I've used it...in fact, just a cup of coffee helps me.
I am lucky enough (at least I think so) to have only encountered one full on migraine in my life, I hope I never have to experience anything like it again, my eyes were so sensitive to the light, that I could tell when someone flicked a light on even while I had my eyes closed, and it still made me flinch... it truly sucked.

Completely debilitating, and I have no idea what caused it at the time.... coffee eh? I shall remember that

Funbrunette 03-14-2006 04:31 PM


Originally posted by Sin
I am lucky enough (at least I think so) to have only encountered one full on migraine in my life, I hope I never have to experience anything like it again, my eyes were so sensitive to the light, that I could tell when someone flicked a light on even while I had my eyes closed, and it still made me flinch... it truly sucked.

Completely debilitating, and I have no idea what caused it at the time.... coffee eh? I shall remember that

Migraines are EXTREMELY painful...I have to take Imitrex, it's the only that helps! :( Wouldn't wish a migraine on my worst enemy...

Trev 03-14-2006 04:40 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
Migraines are EXTREMELY painful...I have to take Imitrex, it's the only that helps! :( Wouldn't wish a migraine on my worst enemy...
Migraines are the stuff of nightmares, zomig is the only thing that seems to work for me, I still have to head off to bed and curl up though... :(

MorganGrayson 03-14-2006 06:25 PM

Migraines are indeed the worst of the worst. I get them. I've had them last for as long as three days. After a while - when I consider then reject putting the throbbing head in the oven - it just gets to be a part of me. I can only lay quietly in the dark for so long before saying "oh, fuck this" and getting up and going back to life.

That and the care and concern of four cats and a small dog are a bit much. I can hardly yell at them or push them away. They always know when something's wrong.

Trev 03-14-2006 07:21 PM


Originally posted by MorganGrayson
Migraines are indeed the worst of the worst. I get them. I've had them last for as long as three days. After a while - when I consider then reject putting the throbbing head in the oven - it just gets to be a part of me. I can only lay quietly in the dark for so long before saying "oh, fuck this" and getting up and going back to life.

That and the care and concern of four cats and a small dog are a bit much. I can hardly yell at them or push them away. They always know when something's wrong.

Wow that's extreme, the only time I've had a migraine last more than 3 days was when I was about 11... my gp thought it was meningitis and I was hospitalised. One lumbar puncture and two days later I was told I was having a massive migraine attack. it didn't stop it lasting 4 going on 5 days though... it was due to the fact my mother and father were divorcing... so that's chocolate and stress - oh and cheese that give me head hell. :(

Vid Vicious 03-14-2006 09:06 PM


Originally posted by Newton
He can dream :)

Working out harder may actually hinder your performance, so light meals and plenty of water will keep you hydrated. Enjoy the love fest :)

Thanks .. I think being lazy all week is the best way to go too .. LOL

Can someone say THREAD HIGHJACK

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