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Vid Vicious 03-15-2006 12:12 PM

The OFFICAL, Who's gonna party in Phoenix thread
Alrighty then .. it's a couple of weeks away .. I for one still haven't booked my flight or hotel .. I'm notorious for last minute bookings ...

I'll be attending the show with my partner in crime Dave Bloom of MsM - Montreal Studio Multimedia. My Production partner. In Oct 2005 Viciousphoto and MsM joined forces to offer the very best in Quality and girls.

We havent' decided if we're taking any models with for this show, We are thinking of holding back on phoenix and unleashing our girls in miami.

This will be my and Dave's first Pheoniz show .. I'm so looking froward to it .. especially since vegas was so fucked up, I never got to see the people I really wanted to spend time with ... Phoenix is gonna be off the wall ..

Who's comming, Who's partying .. and Who needs to disscuss Exclusive Content Bussiness ????

Funbrunette 03-15-2006 12:18 PM

Well I'm sitting this one out, Chris is going...But I will be at the Toronto show, and Expo Hollywood...SO make sure you guys take lot's of pictures! :D

Ronaldo 03-15-2006 12:21 PM

Re: The OFFICAL, Who's gonna party in Phoenix thread

Originally posted by Vid Vicious
Who's comming, Who's partying .. and Who needs to disscuss Exclusive Content Bussiness ????
I'll be partying, comming pending permission from the wife, but no need to discuss Exclusive content.

I'll buy you a drink though.

Vid Vicious 03-15-2006 12:24 PM

Re: Re: The OFFICAL, Who's gonna party in Phoenix thread

Originally posted by Ronaldo
I'll be partying, comming pending permission from the wife, but no need to discuss Exclusive content.

I'll buy you a drink though.

LOL .. Fuckin aye

Rochard 03-15-2006 01:54 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
Well I'm sitting this one out, Chris is going...But I will be at the Toronto show, and Expo Hollywood...SO make sure you guys take lot's of pictures! :D
Then why did you offer to buy me dinner during Phoenix Forum? Are you just gonna tease me with this dinner?

MorganGrayson 03-15-2006 02:49 PM

I'm still working on being able to go. My husband's work schedule and his school schedule are manic and that maybe be the straw that breaks my "westward ho" camel's back. :(

I'm registered and even sent in my tiny bit of info for the networking book (shout out to the highly organized folks behind that!) so all I have to do is get my husband's life together and find a hotel that takes pets. The one I had my eye on is full, damn it.

TondaB 03-15-2006 05:00 PM

I will be there! Morgan, Vid, Rochard, Ronaldo and anyone else that is coming. Let's hook up for a drink:)

Can't wait to meet you Morgan. I hope you get to go:)

MorganGrayson 03-15-2006 05:10 PM


Originally posted by TondaB
I will be there! Morgan, Vid, Rochard, Ronaldo and anyone else that is coming. Let's hook up for a drink:)

Can't wait to meet you Morgan. I hope you get to go:)

That would be WONDERFUL, Tonda! http://www.porn-sex-adult-xxx.com/smilies/clapping.gif

Now I'm *really* gonna be peeved if I'm not able to go. :(

LaurieX 03-15-2006 06:01 PM

I will be there ready to party!

Vid Vicious 03-15-2006 06:45 PM


Originally posted by LaurieX
I will be there ready to party!
LAURIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn girl it's been so long since I seen your gorgeous mug !

Funbrunette 03-15-2006 06:58 PM


Originally posted by Rochard
Then why did you offer to buy me dinner during Phoenix Forum? Are you just gonna tease me with this dinner?
Oh stop crying! You know you'll get your dinner AND DESSERT if you behave! :p Interclimax is sending me to Toronto, Miami and Amsterdam...I'll see what I can do about attending the show.

BTW at the time I contacted you I was told I was going :p

Maybe it's just not meant to be...lol

MorganGrayson 03-15-2006 07:37 PM

:( :( :( :(

Well, I just got the "final answer" from my husband, who was none too thrilled with having to deliver this news. He said "I'm so sorry" until I requested he stop.

I'm not going to be able to go to Phoenix.

Since my husband doesn't read this board, and I don't have to keep a "stiff upper lift" I can vent.


Shane 03-15-2006 09:34 PM

I'm sorry to hear you won't be there Morgan. I was really hoping to meet you there. :(

Vid Vicious 03-16-2006 09:23 AM

too Bad Morgan .. Don't dispear hun .. there are a ton of other great shows thru-out the year ... the next big one that most will attend will be Internext Miami and Amasterdam ... I know I'll be at both of those ...

you can take solice in the fact that JFK will be at Phoenix and he;ll take hundreds of pics .. it'll be just like you're there ...

Oh and Vent Vent vent .. FunB can help you on that one

DonMike 03-16-2006 03:22 PM

Sorry to hear it Morgan. We'll spend lots of time talking about you so you'll be there in spirit.

I'll be there! I've been all over the place lately but now that I've got my feet firmly planted here at MaxPixels, I'm ready to burst onto the scene again. I was still recouperating while in Vegas, so I had to take lots of naps and keep my partying to a minimum. So I'm really looking forward to Phoenix. So if you see the pudgy guy with a mohawk wander buy, stop me and say hello. We have a lot of exciting new things happending with MaxPixels and I'll be happy to talk shop, or just share a coctail with all my Xnations peeps.

Evil Chris 03-16-2006 04:15 PM

I'll see everyone there. Been several years since I was last in Phoenix.

MorganGrayson 03-16-2006 05:00 PM

I *love* Phoenix. :(

(I'm still feeling roundly sorry for myself. The absolute only thing that will ease my emotional torment is all of you having the absolute BEST time in the world and telling me all about it! Pics, too!) :D

My husband's home office is in Phoenix, so we had to go out there once. I adored it. Wanted to move there, in fact. That didn't work out, and we're firmly planted here.

My husband felt so miserable about my not being able to go that he told me to get the number off the neighbor's fence and call to get an estimate. Some men say it with flowers...mine apparently says it with chain link. http://www.porn-sex-adult-xxx.com/smilies/hearts.gif

DonMike 03-16-2006 05:29 PM


Originally posted by MorganGrayson
Some men say it with flowers...mine apparently says it with chain link.
Awww, I know exactly how you feel. Except that the guys I go out with are usually using the chains to tie me up. LOL!

Vid Vicious 03-22-2006 11:14 AM

I'm confused is FunBrunette gonna be in phoenix or not .. A simple Yes or No .. But knowing Steph that's an almost impossible answer

King Adam 03-24-2006 03:27 PM

I live here, so here's an early welcome to Phoenix.

Dravyk .. are you coming man? Its been too long since I saw you.

Fatal Attraction 03-26-2006 12:29 AM

I'll be there the 29th. :)

Zebra 03-26-2006 02:43 AM

This will be my 6th year in a row for Phoenix! Wouldn't miss it for the world!

Vid Vicious 03-26-2006 10:58 AM

it's been so long since I've seen ya Zebra ..

this will be my first Phoenix forum .. I'm a Virgin !!!

Zebra 03-27-2006 01:34 AM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
it's been so long since I've seen ya Zebra ..

this will be my first Phoenix forum .. I'm a Virgin !!!

A Phoenix Virgin!?! Dayum, we gonna have to pop your cherry good!

MorganGrayson 03-27-2006 11:21 AM


Originally posted by DonMike
Awww, I know exactly how you feel. Except that the guys I go out with are usually using the chains to tie me up. LOL!
*wistful sigh*

Now why don't I ever get lucky like that? ;)

Vid Vicious 03-27-2006 11:52 AM

Ask and you shall recieve .. :D

MorganGrayson 03-27-2006 12:29 PM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
Ask and you shall recieve .. :D
You're such a sweetie! :blush:

Vid Vicious 03-27-2006 05:24 PM

Shhhhh ... I wouldn't want anyone to get the wrong idea ... I'm vicious damn it

xxxmalouxxx 03-27-2006 11:47 PM

I envy you guys.. I wish I can be there...
I'm sure it's gonna be a blast.. Enjoy

TheLegacy 03-29-2006 12:39 PM

shedevil and I are both going - and will be at most parties - saturday night no sleep since our flight leaves at 5am

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