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jbrasco951 03-15-2006 05:49 PM

E-Com Expo
Join Domain Masters today at 7 PM EST/ 4PM PST on YNOT Radio as my special guests will be:'

John Grosshandler is the Founder and Event Director for eComXpo, the virtual tradeshow for ecommerce marketers. He has overall responsibility for this semi-annual event. Before founding eComXpo, he had 20 years sales and marketing experience between four software companies. His most recent role was at BEA Systems, an internet infrastructure provider, where he spent 7 years. While at BEA, the company grew from $57 million in sales to over $1 billion in sales. During his tenure at BEA, John became their #1 Salesperson in North America out of 230 personnel.

Ramiro Canales is an attorney and lobbyist in Austin, Texas. Previously he served as an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Texas. He has extensive litigation experience and is very knowledgeable about trademark law and UDRP decisions.

In September 2005, he founded CyberCapitol Ventures, LLC, a company that acquires, manages, and develops domain names. He currently serves as the president and chief executive officer of the company and manages an extensive portfolio of more than 2500 domain names.

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