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MorganGrayson 03-15-2006 07:40 PM

Damn It!!!
I SO hate it when this happens!!! :mad:

Mattie the cat is asleep on the bottom shelf of one of our television stands and it's so damned cute.

I had the camera handy, scooped it up, and attempted to snap a pick.

The miserable piece of #@!% beeped at me to indicate the batteries are dead and refused to take the picture.

*grumble, mutter, curse*

Mattie raised her head at the beep, then went back to sleep. I gently put the camera down to prevent myself from hurling it across the room.

Funbrunette 03-15-2006 08:03 PM

Re: Damn It!!!

Originally posted by MorganGrayson
I SO hate it when this happens!!! :mad:

Mattie the cat is asleep on the bottom shelf of one of our television stands and it's so damned cute.

I had the camera handy, scooped it up, and attempted to snap a pick.

The miserable piece of #@!% beeped at me to indicate the batteries are dead and refused to take the picture.

*grumble, mutter, curse*

Mattie raised her head at the beep, then went back to sleep. I gently put the camera down to prevent myself from hurling it across the room.

I feel your pain! Happens to me more often than I'd like to! :rolleyes:

MorganGrayson 03-15-2006 08:17 PM

I was on the phone when Samba, the orange cat, was snoozing away peacefully cuddled up with Tiny, the life sized stuffed gorilla in the living room and hence couldn't even try to get *that* pic. I would have snapped like piano wire if I'd missed that one, though.

I *may* have gotten a pic of Samba wrestling with Dingo a few days ago, though. I had the sense to hand the camera to my husband for that.

Life needs a "pause" button.

euphoric 03-16-2006 08:02 PM

I been there too. I know how you feel.

Evil Chris 03-16-2006 10:03 PM

I thought you were going to say that as soon as you got the camera, had it on, and were ready to take a picture, Mattie got up and went someplace else.

war_ner 03-17-2006 12:32 AM

There will always be that perfect chance...

MorganGrayson 03-17-2006 01:07 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
I thought you were going to say that as soon as you got the camera, had it on, and were ready to take a picture, Mattie got up and went someplace else.
Mattie is the "mom" of the group. Samba and Reno are her children and Del is her "man." She does "lovey head butts and licking" on Dingo the dog, too. :) I think because of this, Mattie understands more about the frustrations of life than is usual in a cat. She's pretty cool about hanging around while I fumble with the camera. Then she looks at me with compassion when the camera doesn't work. She actually slept on that shelf for hours. It was so cute.

But...since the damned camera messed with me again...you'll have to take my word on that.

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